They can't make a new one!! It would just ruin it :( they made a bad cars 2, there have been at least 3 bad sequels to shreck, pho phobias 2-worst hour of my life! All of these great movies are being ruined by stupid and in necessary sequels!! D:
They can make a sequel they made a game about the mole guy at the ending, but they can easily create a new super villian or continue the story from there
Easily show how the baby grew up and his powers
How daughter and son grew up as well and maybe the parents are too old so the kids have to defend the city and stuff plenty of ideas i think they are just waiting for the right time like they did with monsters inc
· 11 years ago
We'll I guess all we can do is sit and hope for the best
Well, actually, the creator of the incredibles doesn't want to make a sequel to it if he doesn't have an idea that would blow the first movie out if the water.
For those of you passing through who for some reason wanted to go through all the comments, allow me to share the information that they are, in fact, now making a second Incredibles movie.
That is all, have a nice day
Easily show how the baby grew up and his powers
How daughter and son grew up as well and maybe the parents are too old so the kids have to defend the city and stuff plenty of ideas i think they are just waiting for the right time like they did with monsters inc
That is all, have a nice day