Please tell me you have something to back that up. Athiests don't like it when you say that. I also wish to spend my night sleeping, not working on my apologetics.
That's what I believe too. I'm just telling him that on this site there will be some guy who will come and start an argument with him. It's happened before with me.
I think everyone should see the movie Gods not dead. if youre a Christian or not. its a very good movie and has very good points.
ANd shane harper is to gorgeous so..
Hmm.. Alright. Next time you argue the bible don't say anything about what God said he would do or has done. Which is pretty much why everything in the bible happened the way they did.
I thought everybody on FS agreed not to make fun of people believing in god and such.
· 11 years ago
This isn't making fun of someone believing in God; it's ridiculing someone who has flawed logic. Please don't be so sensitive otherwise a LOT of stuff on this site will not agree with you.
ANd shane harper is to gorgeous so..
Pretty much how she acted.
(╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\ (Pit of doom)
Get in there and stay dammit