I found out what four meant very easily, and guessed he was from abnegation way before it was revealed. I am only 3 quarters done with the book and I can already tell the simulation serum will be used to control the dauntless, which is why the erudite leader wants to kill the divergent
As soon as Four helped Tris out of the net I knew it was Tobias. Because it said that Marcus had a son who left Abnegation and it just kind of clicked. Didn't guess that Tris's mom was from "Dauntless" though (anyone who's read Allegiant knows what the quotation marks mean)
· 11 years ago
Yeah anyone who read allegiant gets why it is not predictable
Just finished divergent, my consensus:it sucked, but it didn't. I liked the idea of the book, the plot was decent, but too predictable and cliche. Will have to read second book with that plot cliff though, maybe my outlook on the book will change
So I have blue eyes but there's a very visible spot of brown on one eye (like it's just just a speck, it literally looks almost like a wooden bridge across a moat to a black island), so does that make me a divergent demigod?
right here with you, mines mostly blue (demigod) but I have green (runner) as well.. but the weirdest part is around my pupil is a really pretty yellow.. :)
But in this sense a demigod means a child of a Greek god (ex. Zeus, Hera, Apollo, Athena etc.). You can read the child of Poseidons journey in the New York best seller series 'Percy Jackson and The Olympians' by Rick Riordan to learn more about them if you want.
Wow. I'm not just a shadow hunter I'm also a runner and a demigod. Well i guess this is what happens when you have eyes that change colors. It's just a given that your awesome
Holy hell, are you serious? You made CANCER PATIENT an option??? Seriously??? What is wrong with you? I don't have a problem with TFOS, I feel like it portrays the issue beautifully and helped raise awareness at the same time, but this? You're romanticising a fatal disease. Does no-one else have a problem with this?
It's kinda fucked up to put a cancer patient on there. You shouldn't romanticise something so awful. With all the different fandoms out there you had so many things you could have put. Hogwarts student, time companion, shield agent. So many things. This is just sick. (Not the cancer patient type of sick though.)
Hungergames i mean they're very dark brown color so they look like they're black
you just got to specify
It is weird because I never read the books or saw the movies!
Is too damn much
where's the runner from?