Plot twist: both decisions turn out to be a bad idea.
Statistically speaking, at least one of those three marriages will end in divorce and that degree will turn out to be worthless.
Graduate girl: spends time in school and at home, studying. Result: degree.
Married girls: spend time in bars and clubs or just trying to get a date anyhow. Result: out of all the dates they had, they liked some guys more than the others, developed a relationship with them, and married them.
What does promiscuity have to do with anything?
Just remember, if you're struggling to choose between following men or your dreams, realise that your career will never wake up one day and tell you it doesn't love you anymore.
Statistically speaking, at least one of those three marriages will end in divorce and that degree will turn out to be worthless.
Married girls: spend time in bars and clubs or just trying to get a date anyhow. Result: out of all the dates they had, they liked some guys more than the others, developed a relationship with them, and married them.
What does promiscuity have to do with anything?
Your career doesn't love you from Day 1.