well it is i think, the oldest established business in the world, so they would have an archive of everything that they have encountered and done. but never would this be categorised and made public which is a shame, i'd love to know what it is they're hiding
I understand its their property but.....I wonder how they acquired it and why it's nesicary to withhold it from the public. That wealth of knowledge should be accessed by all.
· 10 years ago
They haven't even read the files themself so yeah. It contains a lot of info that may cause wars etc...sometimes it's best to tell a few white lies to keep people happy.
Can you imagine how much could these change the world if they were made public? The thrill to go down there and read the hell out of these documents is killing me!
You can't go down there, but you can ask to see a specific document that you can only read or copy by hand, no photos or copymachines. And it must be a specific document, no searching by "anything you have on this" is allowed.
· 10 years ago
I'm about to leak something from those archives(I've had many uh "sources" to prove this): Jesus asked Judas to betray him. And the reason why these things are hidden is because there were a group of people who,after Jesus departed from earth, believed that they were also messiahs in fact all of earth could become messiahs and so they would look to the church so they could prove these theories but the church caught on.
I think this has been leaked some time ago. If I remember correctly, the case was that someone found a part of Judas's Evangelium and this is what it said, among other things. Might be just a scam, though. I mean, people talked about it quite a lot and then suddenly stopped, so I assumed it was just false alarm or something.
If that "leak" were true, everyone would be preaching it. As for it's hidden because people could claim they are the messiah is bunk, people still claim they are Christ to this day. It's the number one identity people take when they have a break from reality, e.g. schizophrenia and other mental disorders.
· 10 years ago
I agree guest, but these guys created a whole religion around it...