yep. some of us do. i hate how we cant just have friends of the opposite sex without people going all like OOOOHHHHHHH you LOVE him/her. i hate it. its just not fair.
I'm 23 and I have sleepovers with a friend of mine all the time (a girl). And we don't see whats wrong with it. We're just two friends that are really close.
My parents don't care, my best guy friend actually slept over a few days ago (:
· 10 years ago
This was actually a really big problem for me and my best friend so we slept on the roof of a shed in protest
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Done it. Never felt such a constant mixture of excitement of the unknown, yet extreme fear that someone was gonna break out spin the bottle.
· 10 years ago
Wouldn't it be nice if we were older, then we wouldn't have to wait so long....and wouldn't it be nice to live together in the kind if world where we belong?
To be honest, I assumed that most parents would have been more worried to have their child sleepover with another of the same gender, because of the parents fears of potential same sex attraction.
· 10 years ago
My mom is super anti-gay for some reason and when I returned from my friend Layla's sleepover she threw Holy Water at me
· 10 years ago
I had a similar situation, I slept over my friend Micheal and as soon as I entered my home, I was drilled with questions( not quite as bad as holy water you see) but nonetheless rude and disappointing.
I had told them a few months beforehand that I had a great male friend that just happens to be sexually attracted to men, they automatically assumed the worse.
It's hard to take when you find out that your own parents hate gay people for no reason other than they think it's wrong, I am not gay my self but I do not see why we do not just accept eachother for who we are, dispite our sexual differences.
Apologizes in advance for long notes at 1am in the morning.
No problem :-D She also made me read a passage of the bible, specifically "man must not lay with another man or he shall be stoned"
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
Did she happen to lecture you for a good 10-15 minutes about other forms of sins? That is what generally happens after my parents drill me with suspicious questions.
· 10 years ago
I can't believe someone went through the same thing I did :-D
· 10 years ago
:-) thankfully it doesn't happen as often anymore, it's a load off my mind.
I used to have a boy spend the night all the time
When I was like 10-13 we were best friends and wouldn't even think about that stuff
At about 13 our parents didn't allow him to spend the night anymore
Like at all
And now he's got a girlfriend and he's changing into this completely different person totally blowing me off
He won't talk to me anymore and he always has some stupid excuse
I feel like I'm over reacting to all this
Am I?
I've lost so many friends
Like maybe all of them
Oh great now I'm crying... :'(
I need support from my internet friends
I had told them a few months beforehand that I had a great male friend that just happens to be sexually attracted to men, they automatically assumed the worse.
It's hard to take when you find out that your own parents hate gay people for no reason other than they think it's wrong, I am not gay my self but I do not see why we do not just accept eachother for who we are, dispite our sexual differences.
Apologizes in advance for long notes at 1am in the morning.
When I was like 10-13 we were best friends and wouldn't even think about that stuff
At about 13 our parents didn't allow him to spend the night anymore
Like at all
And now he's got a girlfriend and he's changing into this completely different person totally blowing me off
He won't talk to me anymore and he always has some stupid excuse
I feel like I'm over reacting to all this
Am I?
I've lost so many friends
Like maybe all of them
Oh great now I'm crying... :'(
I need support from my internet friends