Actually considering the russian bombings and the G20 summit in brisbane this year it's actually quite possible there will be another world war. Apparently if russia isn't invited to the G20 summit they will begin a nuclear war and bombing attacks on australia which will then create a war between russia and america and then eventually a world war.
I don't think so because of nuclear deterrence, nuclear attack = we are ALL dead as fuck. But I can see many proxy wars in smaller countries being fought, using the super powers as the catalyst. Every country knows that a world war is literally the end of humanity.
That is true @wrath although we are all dead as fuck if they do launch a nuclear attack then it will be the death of the russians also. A world war was held twice in the past and humanity still has 7 billion people and counting. The war won't be fought in Australia, it will most likely be fought in a more advanced and larger country if Russia wishes to do more damage. The threat of nuclear deterrence didn't stop the bombing of hiroshima or wherever it was. I'm from brisbane and literally the whole city is blocked off, school is cancelled, people can't go to work, shopping centres are closed and people are warned not to leave their houses due to the threat of bombings and riots and such that will inevitably occur. The recent bombing of the Malaysian MH17 was a surface to air missile that was stolen from the ukraine which was first taken from russia. The rebels actually did not know how to get the weapon to work so somebody from the russian government/army must have released it.
I would just like to say that the idea of deterrence did not begin until AFTER WWII and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (when the Nuclear bomb was first developed and used in history) and deterrence begun as an after effect prior to the "nuclear arms race" during the cold war. That was because after the first use, all of the other world powers developed and manufactured nuclear weapons as well, not just America. So to have WWIII literally means to destroy the world, there are some neat facts about just how many nuclear weapons we have in the world and how many times over we can destroy our planet. Also during the first two world wars, there wasn't nearly the level of destructive power that is available today. Unless a crazy extremist group gets a hold of a nuke (they don't care since often focus their agenda on things beyond mortal life) and annihilates a country, everyone knows we cannot fight a country with nuclear power.
@wrath you are actually entirely correct XP. Although I do think that a rebel group getting hold of a missle and blowing up a plane for no apparent reason is pretty extremist! If a nuclear war is begun and everybody has nuclear missiles then the mere threat of a bombing will scare the shit out of everybody and everything. WWIII will not necessarily mean a nuclear war, but it will mean the basic end of humanity. The most remote areas of the world such as antarctica and miniature islands may survive but will need to repopulate the entire earth which is literally impossible. A nuclear war means the end of the world, however a world war only held in one place such as Gallipoli will be a great damage to the world's population but will not mean the end of humanity. It is inevitable that a world war will occur before the end of the 22nd century.
Indeed a frightening thought. They might even fight "proxy wars" while not getting "involved" and sweep the world into chaos, much like the cold war, but with far more bloodshed.
Yes, agreed. I'm only 13 so it is a very frightening thought and realisation that it will most likely occur in my lifetime. I agree a "proxy war" is likely, the threat alone of nuclear launches will be enough to send the world into panic and create riots, fights, rebellion etc. so it is likely a proxy war will take place. The Russians, although I hate to admit it due to the current standings of the G20 summit, are not stupid. They know what will happen if they start a war so will avoid as much fighting and involvement as possible.
@wrath I find it interesting to think about things like this because the circumstances in our world are forever changing. @juliaaaa The G20 summit is held in brisbane city from the 15th-17th of November this year...
· 8 years ago
Hitler actually gained power in the 1930s rather than the 1920s. He was in jail for a bit in the 1920s, it's where he wrote Mein Kampf. Don't know if we should keep an eye out for sh*t books in 2020s just in case.