I'm 'supposed' to do 90 minutes a night every night. That's 7 and a half hours a week which is basically like an extra day of school!! I do like none though. I probably do less than 90 mins a week XD
· 10 years ago
Yeah...I have 4 classes for college. Sounds like no big deal. Except when my advisor told me that I should be studying a minimum 10 hours a week for each classes. That's 40 hours a week. Almost like a full time job. Add in the actual class time, extra curricular, and sleep and I really have nothing left. Drives me insane
At my school (high school) we rarely have homework, maybe an hour-two a day. However, you have to study to succeed. Like crazy amounts. To do well on any test, you must put like 5-15 hrs and we have a test every other day or more
In all of elementary school, I had about that much homework. 50-60 minutes. I get that homework is practice, but I rarely remember a time homework was beneficial. I would either rush through it to get it done, be too tired from school to learn more, or be too stressed. I disagree with making a kid that young do an hour of extra work a day.
I knew our school system was good, but I didn't know it was this good. Though I've had homework since ever (just a few minutes though) and since 7th grade we always had so little homework that I usually could do them at school before each lesson started. But the homework part's most likely different for each school in Finland. Still there's no way we've ever spend 90min or more a day for homework.
Except in the case if you have to write a portfolio as a homework, because I remember doing that for about 7 hours one night in my old upper secondary school days...
> Smaller population
> Incredibly strict standards for teachers
> Still has as many teachers as NYC
Oh also, in Finland internet access is a legal right
Wait what? I cannot be the only finnish person in here to call bullshit. I had homework from 1st grade, AND my teacher then was an alcoholic. And if you're lucky to go to college, good luck in finding a job!
I can see where you're coming from, but did it not occur to you that not everyone has the same way of dealing with school. Some people have values above school (what!!!) and not everyone will put school as a top priority as much as you seem to. When you have other things to deal with, the time-comsumption of our school system is totally unreasonable. Please realize that not everyone can have that "discipline" towards school because there are things more important to them. I'm not saying they dont want to succeed in life, but a system that only works to get a good result for a standardized test will not help these people. All I ask is that you make your thinking a little wider for the population outside of your zone and realize that maybe people aren't just being "whiny".
P.S. Pointing out that you're at one of the best schools in the country, bringing up being a honor roll captain, and pointing out how priviliged you are only succeeds in making you sound like you're bragging
Like me, I'm in plenty of honors classes so it's not like I'm dumb but I also play violin for 3 hours a night. School just isn't my thing, but not because I'm bad at it, just because I love the arts.
You should do what Finland does US because here's another statistic: the US has produced 349 Nobel laureates and Finland has produced 4. You can learn a lot from Finland.
Here you go then. USA has 1 Nobel laureate per 897,000 people, Finland has 1 Nobel laureate per 1.25 million people. Adjusted by population USA still has more Nobel laureates than Finland.
guest: Number of Nobel Prize laureates is a very poor measure of a countries intelligence, especially given that there is no Nobel Prize for Computer Science, Biology or Mathematics.
> Incredibly strict standards for teachers
> Still has as many teachers as NYC
Oh also, in Finland internet access is a legal right
P.S. Pointing out that you're at one of the best schools in the country, bringing up being a honor roll captain, and pointing out how priviliged you are only succeeds in making you sound like you're bragging
> Japanese city