The cop should be saying "You're holding your phone the wrong way. No one will want watch that video, idiot."
· 10 years ago
Hahaha! True, most cops wear personal CCTV cameras now, people often think cops have a personal vendetta against them, despite having only just met them, dealing with this stuff day in day out and having lives of their own. Cops are just doing their job, you're best friends when you need them and disgusting filth when you don't and you've done something wrong. Bottom line, we are normal people, just like you
it's not just that. the police department looks for a specific type of person when they are hiring, one that is confident, authoritative, obedient, and so on, all adding up to a person that once they are handed a gun and a badge, get somewhat of a power trip when they are instated. They all share similar views and opinions since they hire people who are similar. They need to change the hiring process or we will continue to have cops believing it is an us vs them mentality, which is then reflected on society who takes up that mentality as well.
· 10 years ago
We don't have guns in scotland, and they have to be authoratatve and obedient, you're dealing with people's lives. You can't have unreliable drop outs doing it. Hand on heart none of you could do what we do
no one said anything about unreliable drop outs. I said they need to change who they hire as in people who give BLIND obedience which is what police have for the most part. They need officers who can think for themselves. They can find better people. they just have to want to find them. again, it all comes down to changing the hiring process.
It's funny how people judge and hate on all cops because of the fact that there are crooked ones. It's like saying all black people are criminals, but we all know that's not true. Don't judge a person until you get to know them. Cops are well trained, but they're still human. They make mistakes.
As an adult who has never lived in a place where police are "the enemy", nor has had any encounters that would cause a negative bias, I have nothing but a healthy respect for law enforcement. However, cops are pretty good at making themselves look like douchebags...especially now that we have videos to prove it.
Yeah, but still they never get filmed whem they do good though. Pacifist, they have saved millions, they saved the world from becoming the hunger games so...
I have a story for you guys.
Ok so my boyfriend's older brother is driving and he forgot his wallet at their mom's house so he takes a road back to his mom's. As he was driving past a couple of cops one of them decides to follow him and his family all the way through town and to his mom's. Once he gets there, the cop drives by slowly and watches him walk inside. The cop keeps going down the road, makes a u-turn, stops by some bushes and turns his lights off. My boyfriend's brother told us that there's a cop following him but we think nothing of it. He starts to back out of the driveway and when he makes it down the road stops at the stop sign and takes off the cop hauls ass to pull him over. He calls his mom(she works for the town's judge) and tells her what's going on. He doesn't have a license,but needs to support his family so he can't go to jail. She gets in her car and goes to where they are pulled over. When she gets there she gets out and asks the cops why they pulled them ove
r. The cop tells her that if she didn't get back in her car he was gonna arrest both of them. Then one of the cop's buddy's gets there and she notices that both of them are from the K-9 unit, which her sister's boyfriend works for. Also she notices that one of them is a guy that her sister's boyfriend hangs out with during football season. She again asks why and told them that there was no reason to pull him over and she was going to report both of them to their lieutenant. It turns out that her sister's boyfriend doesn't like their family especially my boyfriend's older brother and he told his buddies to arrest him.
Sorry if its long but that's why we (who are from a small town in texas) don't trust the cops.
Was at a party years ago. Drank too much. Stayed on the couch, left vehicle on the street. No overnight parking. Came out in morning and there was a parking ticket on my driver 's seat, my vehicle had been searched, toolboxes opened etc. I went to station and filed complaint for warrantless search. Over the next year that cop and his brother-in-law (in same department) wrote me 17 tickets, most contrived. My favorite was the loud exhaust ticket. I had a garage put all new exhaust on the vehicle two days prior to being stopped. I took the receipt to the prosecutor, I was told that this type of ticket is "the officer's discretion" and was fined $150. I was cited for 30mph in a 30zone, it was snowing and it was (the officer's discretion to deem it) too fast for road conditions. To make the harassment stop I had to get a job in a different town.
pokethebear, all that sucks. But just so you know, it is a Reckless Driving ticket (-6 points) to do the speed limit when conditions are wet (in VA) especially if it's snowing.
Ha, sorry but northern New Yorkers can handle a snow flurry. My sister got pulled over in Norfolk (her husband was stationed there) while driving to work in a snowstorm. Cop asked her what she was doing , "going to work". "Did you notice there is no other traffic?" "Never is at this hour" "roads are closed honey. I'm going to have to cite you" "I'm from (well known city in NY) this is nothing" he stared at her for a min and sent her home and told her not to be on the roads again that day. She thought it was really funny.
Never heard of roads being closed b/c of snow...ever...THAT does sound dumb.
Just for personal safety (not the cops) you should always slow your roll in snow and ice. I dont even drive if there's snow and ice b/c of an accident I got into at 5 mph. The most slow-mo scary accident I ever been in just b/c I had no control. It was more than just snow flurries though.
If this is the case then what about the NSA watching its people. If you aren't doing anything wrong then what is the problem? Or maybe you'd like it if we followed you to work and video taped you working 'just in case' you fuck up. I can guarantee you wouldn't like it either.
I have some good friends that are cops. They Admit straight up that 90% of police officers are good people, but there is always a bad donut in a dozen. A police department not far from me saw six officers suspended and one fired for a beating that one of them issued to a handcuffed suspect. The rest of the officers watched it and failed to report it. A bystander across the street videotaped the incident on their phone. I do not want to generalize and say all police officers are evil, but there needs to be checks and balances.
of course they're going to say that. they're cops. their friends are cops. they see cops as good people. I worked for two years around police in dispatch, on patrol, and in the jail and I have to say that the majority of them are douches just when they talk, whether it's making a comment on someone's ethnicity, or saying a woman might've deserved rape because of what she was wearing.
Most people are video taped at work and MANY other places.
· 10 years ago
I'm sure all of you people would love it it we came to your work/ house and followed you round filming you and generally being an obnoxious fucking arsehole. Maybe the police are rude to you because you're an idiot!!! Get a life so that you don't have to go interfering with everyone else's to give yourself a sense of purpose you moron.
Very very true sarah. They protect the people so just don't go and be a asshole about it. One day you may need that very same cop to help you and you'll be very nice.
You can videotape from a distance without being a dick about it. Some people are not capable of that though.
· 10 years ago
This post is not made for all of the bored people with nothing better to do than video tape cops.You realize that, right? This post is directed at the people who are a firsthand witness to a scene involving law enforcement and civilians, and perhaps one that is being handled in a less than humane way, or one where the cop did everything by the book and can't be falsely accused of mistreatment. Civilian videos can be of huge value in a court case rather than "he said she said" testimony, which can be beneficial to either the civilian or the police. Think of Ferguson, if someone was there and video taped the altercation, we would know exactly what happened.
All day long people keep asking me if I "realize that..." Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.
· 10 years ago
Sorry, I didn't mean you :)
· 10 years ago
I'm not an idiot shakti of course I know what you mean, but it's funny that people don't go following their kids teachers videotaping them, or your doctor while he treats you isn't it? People are using the police to vent their anger at the world, often at an officer they've never met before and have no idea what's going on at that time or what has occurred before their arrival. You should have a bit more respect for cops because I guarantee you wouldn't be able to do what we do.
· 10 years ago
Maybe getting treated like shit day in day out is the reason cops aren't all cheery and sunshine
There are plenty of people who are dead because cops were there.
Ok so my boyfriend's older brother is driving and he forgot his wallet at their mom's house so he takes a road back to his mom's. As he was driving past a couple of cops one of them decides to follow him and his family all the way through town and to his mom's. Once he gets there, the cop drives by slowly and watches him walk inside. The cop keeps going down the road, makes a u-turn, stops by some bushes and turns his lights off. My boyfriend's brother told us that there's a cop following him but we think nothing of it. He starts to back out of the driveway and when he makes it down the road stops at the stop sign and takes off the cop hauls ass to pull him over. He calls his mom(she works for the town's judge) and tells her what's going on. He doesn't have a license,but needs to support his family so he can't go to jail. She gets in her car and goes to where they are pulled over. When she gets there she gets out and asks the cops why they pulled them ove
Sorry if its long but that's why we (who are from a small town in texas) don't trust the cops.
Just for personal safety (not the cops) you should always slow your roll in snow and ice. I dont even drive if there's snow and ice b/c of an accident I got into at 5 mph. The most slow-mo scary accident I ever been in just b/c I had no control. It was more than just snow flurries though.