This is so accurate: two of my best friends are atheists, and they are some of the most awesome people I've ever met. And then I met this other guy who couldn't talk about anything but religion to me once he found out I wasn't an atheist.
I agree with this for the most part, the big difference is that Muslim extremists are actively killing people. If the radical christians or radical aethists (if that's a thing) start killing people I'll be mad about that too. I can live with some asshole being annoying
A lot of domestic terrorism has happened in the USA from Christian extremist groups. Timothy McVeigh for one. Also, the KKK was founded on a Christian belief system.
I've seen numerous speeches that indicate 15% - 25% of the Muslim population are extremists. BUT i'm not saying this picture's point is wrong. The majority of Muslim people (that I have met) are extremely nice and genuine people :). I was just annoyed by the inaccuracy.
Unless you make your religion known then we're all being agnostic on the internet. Honestly I feel sexuality should be the same way. Keep it to yourself and loved ones.
I'm Christian and my best friend (more like a sister) is Muslim and it pisses me off so much when my dad, or anyone, says that all Muslims are like those extremist. It's not true. If it was, I wouldn't be best friends with one. There's a mosque in my county in Indiana and whenever we pass it my dad says someone should burn it down and it pisses me off. He thinks he knows a lot about the religion but he doesn't. I swear, if 9/11 didn't happen, Americans probably wouldn't hate Muslims as much as they do. I say 'they' instead of 'us' because I don't hate Muslims. I hate the individuals involved with 9/11 and other events similar to it, but not the ones who had absolutely nothing to do with them. If you just talk to people of any religion, you might find that some are kind and completely genuine people.
· 10 years ago
I agree with the statement it's trying to say but ppl aren't actually this nice
Wow this is exactly what I wanted to show someone, showing them minorities of each religion compared to the majority. People think that it is the other way round...
here's the thing though. When people say "most christians are nice" and such, then others point out things like the inquisition and the crusades. The logical counter to this would be "Every religion has a dark side" (or something along those lines) which is true, after all, muslims have the various terrorist groups, I'm pretty sure there are a couple of Hindi terrorist groups, and heck I'm sure I remember reading about a sect of buddhist assassins.
But that doesn't make it right.
Just because every religion has that one group of killer psychos doesn't make it alright to have that one group of killer psychos.
I can't think of one major war/conflict in the past 100 years that had nothing to do with religion.
In my personal opinion (feel free to believe differently, i won't judge) religion is the cause of our problems. Not Islam, not christianity, religion as a whole. Of course I'm not saying that there are no atheist killer psychos, but then it's just human nature. [cont...]
[...cont] Some humans are insane psychos who wanna kill stuff, it's never gunna change, but when it comes to religion, they have this whole deity bullshit (again, my opinion) to hide behind, because they're doing it "in the name of god" or "in the name of allah" or "in the name of [insert bs deity here]"
Now, I'm not saying religion has done nothing good for the world, there have been a lot of good contributions to come from religion. But I still believe we would be SOO much better off without religion. Again, this is all just my opinion, and I have no problem with those who are religious, I just dislike religion.
=>Korean war was about communism and capitalism
=>World war 2 was about politics and the fact that there were jews(and others) in Europe didnt trigger the war
=>Russia/Afghanistan war was about the rivalry between Russia and USA, and the oil (in afghanistan)
Most wars were about politics and ideals of people. Religion are about ideals too but it didnt trigger the wars of the past. However, the wars that are going on now is partially because of the religion, but then: DONT judge the minority :)
Religion played no part in the conflict. It wasn't until originial German countires were reached that Concentration camps were discovered. The Nazi's used Jews as a scapegoat and it was one that worked.
· 10 years ago
You should read Mein Kamf, it explains all what was going on in Hitlers' mind :S
He was more of a ''THE SUPERIOR RACE'', than ''THIS IS GODS WORK"...
Only someone truly naïve would say if you remove religion, there would be less wars. People will ALWAYS find something to fight about - has anyone ever seen the flame wars between PlayStation and Xbox users? The reason religion is always the reason is because it's the easiest and most personal thing to pick on - a fact not lost on atheist trolls. The real reason for wars is not religion, it's people. Fact!
While Jews were a group that was targeted, many others were targeted as well. The basis for the genocide was ethnic cleansing and eugenics. Judaism is a religion, but it's also an ethnic group. Those of Slavic decent were destroyed just a much as those of Jewish decent. The first people targeted by Nazi's were the handicaped and those with mental illnesses.
Wars are fought for power. Religion, land, money, etc, are reasons people give for war. But all war comes down to power and control.
I would never discount the six million Jews that died, but no one ever seems to remember the other four million Gypsies, Blacks, Homosexuals, Old, Infirm, Mentally Retarded, those of "low inteligence," and other miscellaneous supposed "undesirables" that also died in concentration camps.
I'm pretty sure that pie graph was made up on the spot to sensationalize the small percentage of nuts and wackos. In many of those cases, it's much larger. Just saying...
"We need to stop the minority of a group determine our outlook of the majority."
Tell that to rape victims, who end up either fearing, or hating, or both of the sex of the person who raped them.
well at the moment their interpretation is about as consistent as a trainwreck on a boat. These are the people who say "GOD LOVE EVERYBODY. WE LOVE EVERYBODY." then proceed to say that God hates homosexuals and that soldiers will be damned to hell at their own funerals.
You cant expect much from an Afghan living in Holland xP
But that doesn't make it right.
Just because every religion has that one group of killer psychos doesn't make it alright to have that one group of killer psychos.
I can't think of one major war/conflict in the past 100 years that had nothing to do with religion.
In my personal opinion (feel free to believe differently, i won't judge) religion is the cause of our problems. Not Islam, not christianity, religion as a whole. Of course I'm not saying that there are no atheist killer psychos, but then it's just human nature. [cont...]
Now, I'm not saying religion has done nothing good for the world, there have been a lot of good contributions to come from religion. But I still believe we would be SOO much better off without religion. Again, this is all just my opinion, and I have no problem with those who are religious, I just dislike religion.
=>World war 2 was about politics and the fact that there were jews(and others) in Europe didnt trigger the war
=>Russia/Afghanistan war was about the rivalry between Russia and USA, and the oil (in afghanistan)
Most wars were about politics and ideals of people. Religion are about ideals too but it didnt trigger the wars of the past. However, the wars that are going on now is partially because of the religion, but then: DONT judge the minority :)
He was more of a ''THE SUPERIOR RACE'', than ''THIS IS GODS WORK"...
Wars are fought for power. Religion, land, money, etc, are reasons people give for war. But all war comes down to power and control.
Tell that to rape victims, who end up either fearing, or hating, or both of the sex of the person who raped them.