It takes a hefty dose to kill you outright but even trace amounts can cause major issues. She's in for a lifetime of pain, tremors, memory loss, possible breathing issues, sterility, and mental issues. Not to mention the detoxification treatment which consists of an huge injection of a chemical suspended in peanut oil into deep muscle tissue basically it makes a flu shot look like a walk in the park! (The injection is comparable to being shot with gun, hit by a car, lit on fire and doused with lemon juice all at once!)
The logic is that death is the worst possible thing there is, so you're instantly making your life the absolute worst it can be. But honestly, I can think of a ton of problems that are worse than death. If someone told me they were going to kill themself, I wouldn't just say don't do it, I'd ask them why they think it's the only option. Who knows, maybe they're truly suffering and there's no way to stop.
Firstly I'll say that I agree completely with your opinion. Those are the exact steps I would take in that situation.
The problem I have with your first sentence (which I realize by how you phrased it that it's not your opinion) is that by making life as bad as it can possibly be, does that not make it impossible for it to get any worse?
This isn't exactly relevant to the picture, but more to this comment.
A few days ago I read about an interview with many of those who survived an attempted suicide off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Here's the interesting part: when interviewed, every single person mentioned that about 2/3 of the way into their jump, they suddenly realized that every single one of their problems had a solution.
Every. Single. One.
You are very correct no matter what the issue there exists a solution, weather physical (such as medication or therapy) or spiritual (such as religion or support groups) you just need to find them.
· 10 years ago
Well yes i would probably take the same steps and ask them those things and yes there are things far worse than death i wasnt really commenting on the pic but if maybe if you are going to comit sucide think about it first and consider other options because like they said there ARE sometimes other options
I don't understand why people are so negative towards people who committed or tried to commit suicide. Here you are, in this life, with nothing to hold onto or to hope for and you try and you try and you try and it just wears you out until it hurts to move or do anything. And the whole time, religions are saying there is a world after this of paradise. Where you aren't lonely or hungry or you won't hurt or suffer and nothing bad happens to you. That there is a paradise on the other side, that you just have to die and give up everything that is in this side of life. You have to give up what little family and friends and help and things that are here to have a reward in death. Its a really hard decision, for once you make it, you can't go back and going to something new is scary and hard but to not feel the hurt and pain, either mental or physical, that you have here and to go to a wonderful place? Most days I regret my suicide attempts didn't succeed.
(continued) Even though I love my niece and nephew and I love seeing them grow up and discover this world. Even though I love my family and want to see the new Blockbuster movie or what happens in my favorite TV show... some days they're the only thing I have to hold onto. The only reason I get out of bed. The days get so long and I just want to sleep and forget everything and not hurt or be hurt or just swallowed by the crap fest that is my life and knowing I'm sucking the good out of my family and friends that do try to help me. I'm a parasite to them and I do want a happy life and get better but its so hard.
I know my death would hurt then and they'd miss me but I wouldn't be dragging them down and I can rest eternally in Nirvana/Heaven/Elysium etc.
The problem I have with your first sentence (which I realize by how you phrased it that it's not your opinion) is that by making life as bad as it can possibly be, does that not make it impossible for it to get any worse?
A few days ago I read about an interview with many of those who survived an attempted suicide off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. Here's the interesting part: when interviewed, every single person mentioned that about 2/3 of the way into their jump, they suddenly realized that every single one of their problems had a solution.
Every. Single. One.
I know my death would hurt then and they'd miss me but I wouldn't be dragging them down and I can rest eternally in Nirvana/Heaven/Elysium etc.
Has she never heard of bullets?