But at the same time, men have no excuse for raping women. Granted, women shouldn't be walking aroung practically naked, but that's for the sake of common decency. I understand that not all people have the same morals and values, but it would be a good idea to start teaching kids from now the importance of respecting each other, so they can grow up to be better members of society.
Female wrestlers and celebrities wear things that can be called "whores outfits". Hell, most super heroines have outfits that can be considered slutty. Its up to the perception of the individual. No-ones forcing people to treat them like whores, its all a choice.
thats a poor example because they rely on men to look at these women as sex symbols to sell, wheres women who dress like this on the street are looking for the wrong kind of attention from men and then say " i wasn't asking for it" when it backfires
All I'm saying is that no matter what a woman wears it still does not give a man any reason to remark or touch her. What she is wearing is nothing to do with you. Don't like it, dont look.
Besides...what exactly does a whore wear sablad? I'm sure the high class ones who charge $1000+ a night wear nicer and smarter clothes than the average woman.
No you didn't ask for it, but everyone is always a target. Dressing (using the term loosely) like that is only making you (as a target) stand out more to someone who might want to take a shot. It's just stupid.
Yeah that's how life works! Obviously a lot of people understand you don't go and grab people but...they're are bad people out there. It's a crime. And usually rapists aren't mentally the same as others. They just don't understand what most people do. Like the post you can't be like don't mugg people and expect it not to happen. Not how it works.
A "man" has no right to force himself on any one. If she's naked that's her choice. It's not an excuse for her to be raped. Or justifiable, "slutty" or otherwise.
Agreed! The "asking for it" excuse is ridiculous. Not only does it show the attitude that women are actively trying to tempt men, it implies that men are weak-willed idiots who can't help but rape women who dress in a certain way. Compare with the guy wearing the stupid shirt and you'll see someone who was meant to be dressing professionally and didn't. I wouldn't argue that a woman should be able to wear a bikini in an office setting just as a guy shouldn't be able to wear only a thong in a court of law. That's different from the "I'm not asking for it" argument.
Well, yes. Women shouldn't go around naked or half naked. That still doesn't excuse rape. Granted, it does make the woman more likely to be a target if she was half naked, but it doesn't make it her fault.
Ok this whole "women who dress slutty are asking for it" thing is just stupid. Victim blaming is a sick thing to do to someone who has just been assaulted and furthermore it implies that men are lecherous morons with no sense of self control. Someone who supposedly can't control their urges unless women dress modestly is pathetic, so lets stop this dumb-shit argument because it makes both sides look bad.
When I see the whole 'she was asking for it' I always like to point out that since you're not wearing headgear does it make it okay for me to bash in your head with a hammer?
the fact is we're in a world where there are disgusting people and laws that look the other way. While you should be allowed to wear what you want, in this day and age you should be keeping yourself safe while trying to make a change. There are awful people out there. And it sucks, but for the time being the best you can do is keep yourself the best protected you can until something gets changed.
No it's not, and you know why? Because cops and judges aren't going to ask what /he/ was wearing. Yes, women should be smart, nothing is going to stop rapists from raping, but that isn't the point. The point is that just because they're going to do it anyway, does not mean they should be let go just because of someone else's actions. Rape is wrong, just like mugging is wrong.
Also, sorry this is late, but honestly.
Just because it's stupid doesn't mean they should get blamed. Yes, it is stupid as /fuck/ to go out in public wearing something that could make you a target, but that doesn't make it their fault. Furthermore, rapists do not look at the attractiveness. Rape is a crime of control, it's not about the sex, but about putting someone down and asserting you can do anything you want to them, and they have no power to stop you. Serial rapists look for people who are alone, who are unnoticed, who look shy (because they're less likely to scream before it's already too late), who can easily be cornered, and who have long hair (to stand on or grab for easier control).
Besides...what exactly does a whore wear sablad? I'm sure the high class ones who charge $1000+ a night wear nicer and smarter clothes than the average woman.
Also, sorry this is late, but honestly.