I need to know where this is from...for obvious reasons.
· 10 years ago
I searched the image and found some twitter account in spanish.7,393 photos and videos and the blurb about the account reads(according to Google Translate) "The wikipedia asses. We only publish asses; small, large, medium, no matter, are assholes and we love them all. For lunch or dinner, no dressings". I'd prefer not to post a direct link. The twitter account is @wikiculos
No, I've seen the dinosaur thing. I was also around when someone kept posting very explicit nudes under multiple different accounts. I was against all of that, and this too. The way I see it, is this is funsubstance. People come here for humour and memes. Not necessarily for GIFs of a girl getting her ass slapped. If that's your thing, cool. Not my business. I just don't really want to see this sorta thing when I come here with the sole purpose to be entertained. (I just thought I would explain myself.)
Seriously, people keep complaining, but you had the full ability to skip it. You lose the right to complain when you tap the post.
· 10 years ago
I don't complain when people post pictures of ripped, shirtless dudes and watch the women drool all over the floor. Let the guys have some eye candy too
Wiggle wiggle wiggle
Bit dazed at the moment, not sure if that even made sense.