It's actually a well know fact that ancient egyptians were giant humans. With their shoes, for example, three to four times as large as a modern average human's.
Fact? Maybe a hypothesis, but definitely not a fact. The only "evidence" I could find of it was some drawings ( ) and the finger in this post. And it seems it's mainly spread by anti-evolutionists (check out where that image came from: ).
Here's an excerpt from another website: "The question is, why would Governments around the world hide this from the people? To answer this question I turn to Darwin, which takes you to a dead end if you follow this path. Right now scientists are trying to make the world believe we descended from apes, however, Giants were never part of that theory...The human mind would become so curious that we would then be asking the Governments of the world: “What else are you hiding from us? Do aliens exist? Does NASA really know where our moon came from?" ( )
Credible? You decide.
- FunStats
Also, anyone claiming that the drawings are evidence is making the assumption that they are drawn to scale, which is something we simply could not know. Because that's the truth: we don't know.
Also: ALL the governments of the world are working together to hide something from the people? Really? Since when does government work together?
This isn't how science works. This is a conspiracy theory.
- FunStats
Might I add that scientists aren't trying to make us believe that we descended from apes. They evolved from a common ancestor. If anything they'd be like a great uncle to us. And while I'm at it, just for fun, cavemen evolved from a common ancestor as well and moved up north while homosapiens were still in Africa.
· 10 years ago
Strictly speaking 'ape' is just a subcategory of primate: Humans, Chimpanzees, Bonobos, Gorillas, Orangutans and Gibbons are all different species of ape.
sorry, but i think the "giants" were just them trying to portray themselves as larger than life, that the common people were lesser than them. If an artist depicted a pharaoh the same size as a commoner, or worse, a slave, they would have been killed immediately.
As a graduate with a Masters Degree in History and a minor in Art History, this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever come across. Tall pre-homo sapiens? Sure. Were there giant people constantly depicted in Egyptian reliefs? No. As you might have noticed in pictures you have come across, the largest person depicted in most Egyptian fresco's, sculptures, and carved relief panels, is almost always some figure of high importance, hence the larger size over the smaller lesser important people. This is a visual depiction of an ancient social hierarchy, something represented as numerous ancient cultures. This is not limited to only pharaohs, but also observed in depictions of Noble men and women, gods, and other important cultural people such as scribes. If there were giant people in Egypt, you would be seeing their sarcophaguses and bones surfacing, in which there are none (the famous fake mummified sculpture/body of a giant person hoax by a farmer does not count).
Do your research.
'This mummified finger was part of ancient Egypt' WHO THE FUCK BELIEVES SUCH A POORLY WRITTEN BLURB ABOUT A FUCKING BLURRY PICTURE OF WHAT COULD BE A PAPER MACHE PROJECT OR SOMETHING?! honestly the perpetuation of beliefs such as this one, that fact that people believe things so easily, is the reason humanity achieves such little progress over time. If it weren't for stupid fucking idiots who believe this bullshit, the world would be a better place.
Ok. Ok. After reading all the past comments, I am almost convinced this is truthful. There is just one thing i need before i am content, How? Give me a factual, solid answer as to how it was possible. Support it with other edvidence. Only then will I be convinced.
To the idea of Nephilim: Think about it for a second. If these beings existed in the past then we would have evidence. But if they existed today as well, possibly in a somewhat diminished state (perhaps even intentionally so so they could hide better), then they absolutely would not want anyone to know about it. And with skulls possessing a 25% greater brain capacity than humans, they'd have the intelligence to hide the evidence. And with a history of being worshiped by us dumb humans, they'd have made sure they had the political connections to make it happen.
Kind of hoping/wishing it isn't true 'cause without some almighty entity of absolute power and boundless love on our side we are so screwed.
Here's an excerpt from another website: "The question is, why would Governments around the world hide this from the people? To answer this question I turn to Darwin, which takes you to a dead end if you follow this path. Right now scientists are trying to make the world believe we descended from apes, however, Giants were never part of that theory...The human mind would become so curious that we would then be asking the Governments of the world: “What else are you hiding from us? Do aliens exist? Does NASA really know where our moon came from?" ( )
Credible? You decide.
- FunStats
Also: ALL the governments of the world are working together to hide something from the people? Really? Since when does government work together?
This isn't how science works. This is a conspiracy theory.
- FunStats
Do your research.
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Kind of hoping/wishing it isn't true 'cause without some almighty entity of absolute power and boundless love on our side we are so screwed.