I like how it's 6:00 a.m and everyone is asleep at my sleepover but im on fs...anyway I have a sleep is overrated pj shirt on right now....so I don't get sleepy?
Thank you so much! I absolutely have to ask, so forgive me...Are you irish?
· 10 years ago
Haha yes! Yes, I am! My real name is the largest river in Ireland, hence my username; and I'm over 50% Irish, so that kinda adds to my username as well
That is so cool! You know you can delete your comment if you wish
· 9 years ago
Wow... since someone brought this post back with their comment... Jesus, the original comment I made of "I love my bed powers" was, like, one of the first comments I've ever made and... I made more friends from this comment than I made in any other comment... unless you count the "Shannon" chain.
man, I remember you, not as much from this (maybe a bit) but also that chat room that was set up. I won't be offended if you don't remember me but I would be privileged to be called ur friend (also then I'd have made some friends on here and not just the people I know in real life)
· 9 years ago
I think I miiiight remember you? Apologies, I don't have the best memory. But you seem like a great person, SO WE SHOULD TOTALLY BE FRIENDS (I swear, I'm not a 10 year old child.. just an incredibly hyper teenager)
*no shirt*
Now I can bang Ashley Purdy, yay