Those 10 new commandments are the NWO commandments, I read somewhere.
In English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Explanatory tablet[edit]
You're suggesting eugenics alongside relative and subjective ideals. Many of which are dictated by opinion, or preference.
It sounds pretty, but it would be disastrous in practice.
To put that first one in practice, we'd have to get rid of 6.5 Billion people - we'd redefine the word Genocide. The other nine though, those are great!
Well, some conspiracies theories claim that they already started it by i.e. Chemtrails, spreading deseases and inflicting wars since a long time ago. People are dying but population still rises! If they want to lessen population, give East-Asia some contraceptives, more than 50% of the population of the world is there.
Lightning Thief wasn't too bad. It had a good story (didn't deviate all that much from the book), the actors weren't atrocious.
Sea of Monsters on the other hand...holy shit. The only actor that was really 'into it' was whoever played Clarisse. Everyone else (you could tell) didn't really want to be 'acting'. They seemed more like 'typical' teenagers reading off scripts and doing actions by rote as opposed to getting into their characters and trying to make a good scene.
Don't get me started on the plot and its deviations. Holy mother of shit eating fucknuggets. Horrible. Goddamn took all the other books and condensed it into an hour and a half (maybe plus a bit) of absolute fucking bullshit. I don't mind if the plot deviates if it's still coherent, has some depth, and is reasonable (like Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit were (IMO)). This plot was shallow. There were so many things missing, so many questions to ask about why the hell would you do this and that...
...and why did this happen? As much as I don't like poking holes in movie plots (because it ruins it for me; I want to enjoy movies for what they are as opposed to try and reason my way through them like my mom does (oh god...)) I pulled a 'mom' and absolutely shredded this internally. SoM was worse than Rubber, worse than Sharknado, worse than any cheap horror movie, worse than a movie of my goddamn life (if anyone even found my life worth making a movie of).
The bermuda triangle has lots of methane in its water that messes up EVERYTHING when it's in the quantity found in the oh-so-scary area. Myth busted!
Also, don't always believe things on the internet.
the Phaistos disc is actually so baller because early Greek civilizations wrote in two languages, Linear B which has been deciphered, and Linear A, which is on the disc and is impossible to read. but maybe 8 weeks ago someone actually deciphered the words "mother goddess" on the disc, and now we are much closer to understanding the Minoan Civ!!!
The Voynich Manuscript has been identified as a manuscript with both medicinal, medical, biological, and astrological knowledge, a basic gathering of knowledge of a small written language in the lower Middle East, and is from around 13CE. There are words similar to very little known secluded dialects in the region. It also has been done by a traveller and possibly by more than one author, as it has similar pictures to those found in medical and astrological manuscript found in lower France, Spain, and Greece, which supports the theory it was done by a traveling Middle Eastern scribe.
I did my Masters Thesis paper on it.
How much weight does the theory that one of the obstacles to deciphering the manuscript is the author had bad penmanship carry?
That's one of the ideas I've heard about it.
What they didn't mention about the disc is that the symbols were printed with something like a stamp into the clay. A method that wasn't use until 10 000 years later.
There is also a theory that Jack the Ripper was a woman who was jealous of the prostitutes' ability to have children because she herself was infertile. It'd make sense because the prostitutes were never raped or anything, they were just killed and their wombs were removed. But I guess that Aaron guy might have just been a madman and killed them because, well, he was insane. *shrugs*
· 10 years ago
Jack the Ripper has been scientifically proven to be Aaron Kosminski, so that blows your theory out the water.
"Scientifically proven" well alright then. I was just listing one of the theories I read about. So I guess madman is the answer, then.
Black Butler? Actually no, this is the first time I see the name. Is it good?
Actually, Jack the Ripper has been identified. It was the polish man, Aaron. A team of scientists had found some of his DNA on one of his victim's shawls. It's crazy that even 200 years past, and his DNA remained on the shawl.
In English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Explanatory tablet[edit]
It sounds pretty, but it would be disastrous in practice.
Sea of Monsters on the other hand...holy shit. The only actor that was really 'into it' was whoever played Clarisse. Everyone else (you could tell) didn't really want to be 'acting'. They seemed more like 'typical' teenagers reading off scripts and doing actions by rote as opposed to getting into their characters and trying to make a good scene.
Don't get me started on the plot and its deviations. Holy mother of shit eating fucknuggets. Horrible. Goddamn took all the other books and condensed it into an hour and a half (maybe plus a bit) of absolute fucking bullshit. I don't mind if the plot deviates if it's still coherent, has some depth, and is reasonable (like Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit were (IMO)). This plot was shallow. There were so many things missing, so many questions to ask about why the hell would you do this and that...
Also, don't always believe things on the internet.
I did my Masters Thesis paper on it.
That's one of the ideas I've heard about it.
Black Butler? Actually no, this is the first time I see the name. Is it good?
Not to mention that the historical legacy of the shawl is highly suspect.