I, however, don't see it. Nevermind that, just please don't promote violence around, that's all. Or do promote it and make jokes about it, I mean, it's not like there's little kids accidentally shooting their mothers in Walmarts all across America.
I had to bring that up because guns only have one purpose and we all know exactly what that is. Why do you think ladies like that unfortunate mommy have guns in their bags? Because the society told them violence is bad? Because the society told some armed robbers that violence is bad? Because society told attackers and abusers that violence is bad? No. They think with a gun they'd be safe. Safe from who? Safe from the violent people. Another reason for carrying the guns would be the avaliability of guns and why is that? That's because there's plenty of people who believe the most blatant lie ever: that violence can be stopped with violence.
If you want some proof, go check the original post up there, saying that the correct way to stop women who punch guys is to punch them back.
Do you see the connection now? If you don't condone violence, sooner or later you get beaten children, abused wives and dead mommies. You can throw a whole fucking block of ice at me, I'll still be right.
You don't understand there is no stopping bad people, you put new laws in place there will still be bad people on the face of the earth. The only way you are gonna stop them is by arming yourself so when bad people do bad things you can be able to defend yourself and still be alive. If some mugger came up to you with a knife or a gun do you want to have a gun with you or do you want to be dead? If your house got broken into would you want to defend you/your family or would you want to be dead? Why do you think cops carry guns? It's to protect themselves and anyone else.
See, THAT kind of thinking is the problem. The 'bad' people weren't just born bad, they were raised badly and got guns because guns are so easily avaliabe. If their moms and dads would hug them more and tell them that violence isn't the way to solve problems, they wouldn't do it or at least a large percentage of them wouldn't grow up into what you call bad people.
Oh mate, you didn't just mention the cops!? The whole world has been recently very upset about how and why cops use guns.
Stop being stuch a darn idiot and think about it a little. You can't stop violence with violence. I realise it's very hard to go back to peaceful stuff now that we're so far down the road but it would help if people understood the concept to begin with.
And keep the damn icy continent, you might need it when someone beats you up defending their opinion or a sandwich or simply for thinking you squinted at them because hey, violence is completely okay when 'good' people are protecting themselves.
· 10 years ago
Are you done? Good. *shoots with freezeray* Now STFU and GTFO.
You do realise how immature and scary your comment is, right? Because I do and I'd run away from you and all the you represent but I'm too scared to turn my back to you for obvious reasons.
· 10 years ago
*sighes* You are taking this far too seriously. I'm unfollowing these comments because I'm sick of your shit. Good job, you absolute fucking basketball.
If you want some proof, go check the original post up there, saying that the correct way to stop women who punch guys is to punch them back.
Do you see the connection now? If you don't condone violence, sooner or later you get beaten children, abused wives and dead mommies. You can throw a whole fucking block of ice at me, I'll still be right.
Oh mate, you didn't just mention the cops!? The whole world has been recently very upset about how and why cops use guns.
Stop being stuch a darn idiot and think about it a little. You can't stop violence with violence. I realise it's very hard to go back to peaceful stuff now that we're so far down the road but it would help if people understood the concept to begin with.
And keep the damn icy continent, you might need it when someone beats you up defending their opinion or a sandwich or simply for thinking you squinted at them because hey, violence is completely okay when 'good' people are protecting themselves.