I thought there was once a study that stimulated certain nerves to the same degree that childbirth/ballcrunches would do and attached a device to the respective genders. It was unanimously concluded that childbirth hurt more.
No comparison. Child birth lasts for hours or even days. A Very sensitive part of you is torn open. You're left in stitches, leaking from every opening, raw, exhausted, sleep deprived, and then expected to care for a newborn. I don't even know how you would measure child birth pain. Contractions don't equal the sum of the experience. Getting kick d I. The balls doesn't usually result in stitches, an adult diaper, and a hospital stay with pain killers.
Doesn't mean getting kicked in the testicles hurts more. Childbirth is rewarding, but getting kicked in the balls isn't. That's why. Not because childbirth doesn't hurt.
Also, immediately after delivering the child a woman's brain will secrete a hormone which causes the mother to forget most of the agonizing pain. Yes, they still know how painful it was, but the hormone sort of softens the memory. Science. :)
In a lifetime a man may get hit in the junk hundreds maybe thousands of times whereas women give birth usually 1-3 times. 19 is the most I've heard of in modern times.
But birth lasts for hours. Getting kicked in the balls doesn't hurt for nearly as long. Plus, it's not the amount of times that it happens that determines the amount of pain that it causes each time. By your logic, you just want to sum up the amount of times that the person experiences the pain which does not actually say anything about how much it hurts.
And birth is basically your body pushing a tiny human through a tiny hole, which has to physically contract and widen to let the tiny human through. Before all this we carry an up to ten pound baby around in our abdomens. And you're telling me getting kicked in the nuts is worse?
And when we aren't birthing a tiny, adorable person, our body makes blood come from that same hole for about many times an hour, a week once a month, which also is accompanied by cramps, bloating, and overall hellfire. And you guys say it's not that bad she's just in a mood :) people tell us we have it nice and easy and guys are seriously the luckiest because you guys don't have to worry about any of the above, hair in general, or stupid standards set by egotistical brats who only care about having a kid at 13 years old, or caking their face in makeup because that's how they think girls should act and it's not in the least how a girl who truly cares about herself should think.
A woman will have a child and a few years later might say lets have another, but a man gets kicked in the balls will not say how about you kick me in the balls again
Ok just a point of clarification. A "baloney pony" is NOT balls. Getting kicked in the dick hurts. Getting kicked in the jewels is some next level shit. Second, I know getting kicked in the nuts hurts and I'm sure having an ankle biter claw its way out of your lady parts hurts. Why the constant debate over which is worse? Although, (and I know this is poking the rabid feminiazis with a stick but...) the vagina is made to stretch, and women are given the option of an epidural to ease the pain; testicles are absolutely not intended to be compressed and we men never even get so much as a shot of Jack before kickoff. Just sayin'. Third, to all you female types out there - how about you don't kick us guys in the hardware section and we won't get you preggers? Deal?
Dude, shut the fuck up. Have you even seen a female on JUST HER PERIOD. It fucking hurts, and its hurts 100x more in childbirth. The epidural don't do SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT.
Periods are like demon-spawn. You guys try having a freaking waterfall of blood out of your bum constantly for 4 days to a week each month. It's led by bad cramps (ive thrown up because of cramps, and not been able to walk, and Advil doesn't help), bloating, headaches, a constant need to eat everything in sight, and be expected to act normal. People say "oh she's just pms-ing she's fine she's just being a brat she needs to get over herself" and this is something that happens once a month from the time you're as young as 9 to probably in your 50's. It's no party and guys need to learn how much of a demon periods are. *drops mic*
Same goes for giraffey.
They have a device to show men how painful it is
Just hook those that want to know up to it and show them
And when we aren't birthing a tiny, adorable person, our body makes blood come from that same hole for about many times an hour, a week once a month, which also is accompanied by cramps, bloating, and overall hellfire. And you guys say it's not that bad she's just in a mood :) people tell us we have it nice and easy and guys are seriously the luckiest because you guys don't have to worry about any of the above, hair in general, or stupid standards set by egotistical brats who only care about having a kid at 13 years old, or caking their face in makeup because that's how they think girls should act and it's not in the least how a girl who truly cares about herself should think.