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· 10 years ago
An organization that did not give two shits about Charlie Hebdo. The photo carries strong symbolism, but how can we know they are truly being sincere?
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
It's not about the company/organization. It's about the terrorism and the tragedy. I'm not French, I'm a Chinese American. I don't give a shitted fuck what happens to nations, or the entire world. I do care when bullying happens. Terrorism is simply an extreme case of bullying and I think these people feel the same; they don't care about CH, they care that people were hurt.
· 10 years ago
But they don't give a shit about thousands of people dying every day from wars, or under the attacks of American drones. Because, you know, it's in some third-world country, we don't give a fuck. If twelve people murdered in France (and I'm French) is a tragedy, there is no word strong enough for the state of the world, but nobody gives a damn about the world.
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· 10 years ago
I think it's because there's the difference between terrorism and mindless violence. Mindless violence is tragic but it's just sort of human nature to fight and argue against things that don't really agree with them. Terrorism isn't a fight for ideals, it's just something to hurt people. You're not defending anything, you're simply attacking someone because it's fun. That's why terrorism (in my mind and from what I understand) is worse than mindless violence.
· 10 years ago
To me, terrorism is also linked to ideals, mainly the ideal of "infidels shall die" (like for the catholic Crusades, okay? no islamophobia in my words). Still, mindless violence and terrorism are, to me, different sides of the same coin: there are, in this world, some incredibly hateful and violent people (a little but noisy minority), and they may try and hurt (or kill) people as soon as they find a "reason" for it. I don't think terrorist acts are "for fun".
· 10 years ago
Terrorism LIKES TO THINK they're idealists but I think true terrorists are just out to hurt people because it's fun. Idealists can be very pushy admittedly, but when they hurt people they have an ulterior motive. Look at ISIS's beheadings, what the hell does that have to do with Islam? A simple headshot execution would have sufficed, that torture is clearly out of line.
· 10 years ago
Stop rationalizing tylerchu, it really insults your own 'intelligence'. Thinking there is a ethical difference when people are killed, but for different reasons, is blatantly hypocritical, or just plain stupid.
· 10 years ago
People being killed is bad. Regardless of reason. There is a reason why premeditated murder has a heavier penalty than manslaughter.
· 10 years ago
Hey I m a spanish girl that goes to a french school. The hole school is shocked about what happend... JE SUIS CHARLIE (I am Charlie) Wish they could get them soon...
· 10 years ago
I feel like a nine year-old typed out this comment.
· 10 years ago
I thought it said "Jesus Charlie" which fit perfectly because they just look so done.
· 10 years ago
And now I know the context, and I feel like an ass.... this is why i should watch the news.
· 9 years ago
Who the heck is je suis Charlie?
· 9 years ago
Where were you four months ago?