If you're getting married just for the ring, you're in it for the wrong reasons. And if a small ring is a deal breaker, then good riddance. The guy would be much better off with someone who loves him for him and not just material goods.
I'd actually say no.
Not because of a ring. I'd appreciate an onion ring as much as some golden and diamond crap, but because I'm absolutely horrified at the thought of ever marrying and having kids.
Sorta like a younger but less successful Robin from HIMYM with a little bit less daddy issues. Now only if I could make that infertility thing work, and have a kickass career, that'd be a win.
Jewelry is a stupid waste of money. I'll probably stay single but I'm not gonna spend my life with someone who thinks it's ok to waste money on useless rocks and metals.
Edited 10 years ago
· 10 years ago
I think it would matter on his financial life like if i knew damn well this boi got enough money to be given me a ring that would make me sink in the ocean that's what I'd expect. So if he thinks he's gonna pull some kinda sick joke like that he got another thing coming. But if he doesn't have enough id get it and appreciate anything even a damn ring pop.
· 10 years ago
The fact the you wrote boy as boi and didn't write man may lead to some people to think you have not matured enough to appreciate the meaning of this post.
No one really understands that a girls whole life basically leads up to getting engaged and married. We dream about it, we act it out. We're also pushed towards marriage so when something doesn't go according to plan, from the cake to the ring, we can freak out but a lot of girls just want to be with the man/women they love so they'll accept any ring that's given to them.
· 10 years ago
An engagement ring only came about around 100 years ago. The Debeers company came up with the idea of an engagement ring to whore money off people because they said it should be worth "Two months of a man's salary and she'll love it'" they said that diamonds were rare and all that bullshit whenever they had millions in storage for these rings. Before the engagement ring came about you proposed with your love for your partner not how big a diamond you can buy for them
· 10 years ago
This is so correct. Another note, Debeers controls a lot of the diamon pricing.
I remember a guy on the radio proposed to his gf with a $5,000 ring, she said she would accept if he bought the ring she wants, which was valued at around $30,000. needless to say, many called up and said he should dump her for being too materialistic.
Its is actually quite pretty, i would have it. But is does look so fragile.
· 10 years ago
This jerk of a chick I know got proposed to with a gorgeous, expensive ring by my awesome friend, said yes and then made him buy a new ring that he hated because she didn't like it
Heck yeah, or if there was no ring. Ringpops all the way! I actually really like the thought of skipping the ring and putting the money towards an experience instead, or just save it for a rainy day. Maybe just let our happiness with each other prove our marriage instead of an expensive peice of metal and rock
I would be so thrilled if it was one of those cheap cereal box rings worth 50 cents! As long as I am in love with him I could care less about some damn ring! :)
engagement rings are a scam created by the De Beers diamond company anyway.
You guys realise diamonds are neither rare nor worth the amount of money we pay for them. They're only so expensive because De Beers basically has a Monopoly on diamond mining.
She accepted my proposal 33 years ago when I offered her a $700 ring. Still married after 32 years. Both her sisters have larger rings, but my wife once confessed to me that those two rings aren't as nice as hers because hers has a white diamond and theirs are yellowish and not cut as well.
Getting told to come back with a larger ring would be very telling. I can't beleive that would be the only thing that wouldn't be to her liking during the marriage: We need a newer car, we need a bigger house, we need a vacation to a more exotic destination..oh, and why must you spend so much time at work when I want you to be home to talk to?
Personally I have no interest in a ring, but a ring is tradition that shows a significant commitment. It means you are mature and financially stable.You don't like it, don't do it.
It doesn't have to be huge. However, giving a woman a ring like that says, I didn't save or I haven't been thinking about this for very long.
· 9 years ago
I get what you are trying to say but it doesnt show maturity or financial stability
With one of these I can
I'd rather have a big fake ring than that. It's hardly a ring at all. That looks like something you give to a child. I'd rather have one of those $20 from walmart since it would seem more like a ring my fiancé would have given me to show their love. Because a ring like this would also show they wanted to get you an expensive rock just because they thought you wanted the rock, without really paying any heed to the ring itself.
Or this one.
And I would wear that for the rest of my life and be happy. I think big rings are kind of flashy, honestly. I like simple but beautiful.
Not at allllllll
*commits sudoku*
I'm a wot?
Oh my gosh
OOHH. THAT'S WHat's happening here.
I um.
I'm not very good at this. :$
I've already got a Valentine.
I um
Oops? Omg I hate being mean to people I feel so bad now
I'd be your Valentine if my heart wasn't taken
/ \ I'll be fine
Anyone here can tell you I hate hurting people. A lot. ;-;
Im so sorry
Not because of a ring. I'd appreciate an onion ring as much as some golden and diamond crap, but because I'm absolutely horrified at the thought of ever marrying and having kids.
Sorta like a younger but less successful Robin from HIMYM with a little bit less daddy issues. Now only if I could make that infertility thing work, and have a kickass career, that'd be a win.
You guys realise diamonds are neither rare nor worth the amount of money we pay for them. They're only so expensive because De Beers basically has a Monopoly on diamond mining.
But seriously, I want one. Bad.
Getting told to come back with a larger ring would be very telling. I can't beleive that would be the only thing that wouldn't be to her liking during the marriage: We need a newer car, we need a bigger house, we need a vacation to a more exotic destination..oh, and why must you spend so much time at work when I want you to be home to talk to?
It doesn't have to be huge. However, giving a woman a ring like that says, I didn't save or I haven't been thinking about this for very long.