I don't feel comfortable talking about what specifically some of my most intimate secrets are, but I'm sure you could google strange fetishes, or find a local fetish group to talk to, they're pretty good with spreading understanding and making sure everyone remains comfortable. You really don't need to "back away slowly", it's not like I'm a freak, thanks. There are plenty of people who are turned on by weird things, and it's not like I'd do anything the person I was with wasn't okay with.
I didnt say you should talk about it! ;)
And "*backs away slowly*" was just for fun. I was trying to make a joke about it when it all became so serious.
Im not so comfortable with... "Seriousness".
Guest though I'm not sure since I never commented without an account but there is this mystical little button at the top of the comments that says 'unfollow comments' if you click that you will not receive any further notifications of comments. Its far less annoying than whining, thank you and enjoy you day.
Yeah if your lucky enough to not have any of these problems good, you don't want them! I deal with the first two daily and have for over 20 years that kind of struggle leaves you tired in every way!
I'm ashamed to admit that when I used to be depressed and suicidal I used to feels..special.And I was I swear.I saw the world in a completely different and unique world and I kind of loved it.I liked how I was able to understand people like me and I felt ease when I heard I'm not the only one.also I always had trouble putting my feelings into paper but not when I was writing about suicide.I agree with the post and I'm ashamed I used to feel this way.I just hope it won't come back.And I'm completely disgusted by people who fake this.A bunch of popular kids on facebook constantly post amazing selfies and are all like "Sometimes I don't know if it's worth living" or "These smiles sometimesa can't hide the tears".I'm so sick of seeing fake idiots like that who don't know real pain.
It's only wrong to fake it, I don't think it's wrong to appreaciate your view of the world, because I do too, I think it's different, but not the only one.
The thing that has worked for me, and I recommend, is meeting other people who are depressed too, because as you say it gives you ease. For me it was because I realized that, those people don't deserve that, and don't deserve the harm they think they do, they are good people. So I started thinking I deserved better too.
How do you know that they don't have real pain? Sometimes those with the worst pain are the best at hiding it. While some people fake it, you can never tell what they are keeping secret.
Okay, so, I agree that there is nothing romantic about illness. It's scary and hell and nobody wants the reality of it. BUT I am so tired of seeing people say "oh, that popular brat said she wants to kill herself, but she's pretty and has friends so she's just faking it for attention." Think. About. Every. Effing. Time. Someone has illegitimized what you were feeling because they just couldn't "see" why you would feel that way. Because they saw your cries for help as "jokes" or "bad poetry" or "attention seeking." Maybe they aren't legitimately ill, but do you really want to risk adding to their problems if it is true? I had people around me kind enough to afford me that courtesy; they deserve that, too.
Ok I realise I may have overreacted when I said fake idiots..but from what I can draw from my experience people who are really suicidal and depressed will try really hard not to show their "true" self and will ask for help when they get the courage..not post a selfie in a bikini and quote a famous person with a sad quote.I agree I can't know how they truly feel and I believe their lives are sometimes miserable and sad but when I see them in real life they seem so fine and happy that it makes me believe the sadness they maybe experience is not really close to depression.
Dont say schizophrenia is terrifying though. i'm not saying it isn't, but people tend to think of people with this condition as horror movie antagonists. It's something so delicate.
But yeah, anyone faking any of these to feel special should be put in a hospital see what they think then.
I think the point of it was to say that it's terrifying for people with it and sort of those around them. It's a terrifying experience to go through when you hallucinate sometimes, and can be terrifying for those around you depending on what you see. It definitely doesn't make somebody suffering from it bad or insane, but it's undeniably frightening sometimes.
I worked with a guy who was seeing and hearing things he told me that he rationally knew couldn't be there. I tried to be as supportive as I could while he described what he heard and saw, his hands shaking and voice trembling, and that he was going for help. I congratulated him on his bravery and willingness to face his fears and problems head on, told him I would be there for him at any time and we exchanged phone numbers. All the while, idiot that I am and being a sci-fi fan, I couldn't help but to silently wonder if he was seeing the reality and I the fiction. I gotta stop reading that stuff!
I know a girl who is always going on about how she wants to kill someone because she's curious about the experience. the truth is she just watches Sherlock a tonne and thinks that she's like him when she acts that way. It gets on my nerves so much.
There's also a problem with falling in love if you're depressed. Don't fall in love, jump off a bridge, I've found it probably hurts a lot less. Falling in love when you're depressed is so scary. You start to feel whole again, like the cracks and holes and scars are fading and you begin to feel loved and wanted for the first time in your life... but what happens when he gets bored, or isn't interested, or feels like he can't be bothered anymore? You stop texting at 11pm... you stop playing games together... you stop hanging out all the time... the ignoring starts... you feel even worse... you fight a lot... and before you know it, the dream and the smallest amount of happiness you have... is gone. Now you're left more broken, more alone... and more hurt than before. Falling in love kills you from the inside out... don't do it...
Lets also mention the idiots who say omg I'm having a panic attack fml right
Wrong. Panic is excruciating pain. Not some fucking little snowflake problem.
Some people can't just stop. When they cut or hurt themselves it becomes an addiction. When people tell them to stop acting like they have anxiety most people actually have anxiety. They don't eat because the don't feel hungry because of people like this. These people tell them they are attention seekers so the don't eat. My point is
Umm, that's not what this post is saying at all. It's telling people to not PRETEND to have these disorders, because people living with them know how hard it really is.
That's not the point, guest. This post is not saying those disorders don't exist or they aren't actual problems. It's addressing those people who pretend to have them just to be a unique snowflake who's broken in some way and 'not like the others'.
(I'm another guest) Actually, as a person who suffered from depression, I learned that, unless there is a literal chemical unbalance in your brain, depression is just you making yourself miserable. You are constantly reminding yourself of your problems which lead to feeling sad and depressed and worthless. So instead of dwelling in those thoughts, think positive, all you have to do is literally stop thinking negative thoughts, the mind is very powerful and it may kill you. So yeah guest, for depression at least, you CAN just snap out of it.
· 10 years ago
The thing about depression is it forces you to feel miserable thoughts. You've got it the wrong way around - when the depression starts to lift, you can suddenly start thinking positive thoughts again, which makes you think you've snapped out of it.
And "*backs away slowly*" was just for fun. I was trying to make a joke about it when it all became so serious.
Im not so comfortable with... "Seriousness".
The thing that has worked for me, and I recommend, is meeting other people who are depressed too, because as you say it gives you ease. For me it was because I realized that, those people don't deserve that, and don't deserve the harm they think they do, they are good people. So I started thinking I deserved better too.
But yeah, anyone faking any of these to feel special should be put in a hospital see what they think then.
Wrong. Panic is excruciating pain. Not some fucking little snowflake problem.