Well supposedly God invites all the good people into Heaven, so wouldn't they both technically be good guys?
And besides, in my religion, Satan is technically the guy who makes people do evil things
Are you christian? Because so am I, and in my religion, people are responsible for their own actions, their choices are their own. People do evil things by their own decision. Satan just happens to be a rebel who really has no power over you.
I am Christian, but my family believes that Satan does that, and it's not really of your own volition.
I'm not trying to tell anyone what to believe. It's just what I believe.
I thought that God sent Lucifer to hell as punishment and he now tempts us so he won't be alone in his suffering. That's what I like to think at least.
I'm going with thethirdi's, but your guess is as good as mine. Grew up in the church and go every Sunday and don't have a good explainatiin either. Some things just are explained by what we're told and not everything we just assume, I guess.
Some people also say that Satan's just his own force of evil. People choose to leave God so they commit evil, the same with Satan. He just did it first.
Well, as far as I've been taught, satan isn't even in hell, the bible doesn't state anywhere that he's in hell at the moment. Hell was created as a place of torment for satan and his followers and it is where they will be cast eventually. True, satan can tempt you, but he has no actual power over you. Him tempting you is no different than a person telling you to do something, he only has control if you give it to him. Trust me, I'm a pastor's kid, I get this stuff drilled into me. My dad always says, "don't give the devil credit for your decisions."
Man deadpool, you have a wealth of knowledge up in your head. That's is interesting. We all know religion is a touchy subject and I've managed to piss off some people in my church with my questions. You could say I am a black sheep in my catholic church.
Thanks thethirdi, I like the way you think too. Lol, we've got a few people who used to be catholic in our church, they tell us pretty much the same thing. I'm not usually one to try and change a person's belief, but I'd suggest you try going to an apostolic church, its completely different from a catholic church.
I like how I'm getting downvoted because I don't practice exactly what you do yet I am part of the same faith, and that I'm not directly insulting anyone for their religion at all or anything, but I'll just go anyway
In all honesty, I don't really think it matters what faith you belong to or if you don't belong to any at all. As long as you live for others but remember to take care of yourself you should be sitting good. We aren't Jesus so there is a line to remember. Don't forget to pay your bills and enjoy life but don't forget to help your neighbor. But Deadpool, I don't have a problem with my church it's just how some people act. The act as if catholics are the leading group of people when we clearly arent. Numbers don't mean power. And some people think themselves above others and that irritates me. But most people are down to earth. But the biggest hiccup for me is that I support the death penalty and one of my class retreats tried to focus on me alone and cure me of it lol. Didn't really work. But that's besides the point.
I'm Christian and I support the death penalty. It's just that our justice system as it is sometimes convicts innocents and we need to get rid of that before we can implement the DP.
Innocent until proven guilty. By this, the US justice philosophy is that if it takes 10 guilty people to be exonerated per every innocent to not be unjustly jailed, so be it. However, it seems that people as a whole would rather sacrifice one innocent for 10 guilty to be imprisoned.
Hell was created for Satan. Not to rule it, but for it to be his eternal place of torment. i'm not sure how this misconception started, but it isn't in the bible anywhere.
No hate. Just don't see why a being of infinate love and knowledge cares who I sleep with in what position what I wear what I eat. Didn't god "create" pigs? Why would he do that and then be , you know what I don't like pigs if you eat one... "YOU'LL BURN IN HELL".
Well it just depends what you believe in. Not everyone listens to both parts of the bible. The Old Testament is important to Catholics because that is what Jesus followed as a Jewish man so we read scriptures that Jesus proved true in the New Testament. So the don't eat pig thing does not pertain to me, but some people choose to fast from meat entirely on Fridays but the church as a whole is asked to fast from meat on Fridays during lent. Believing what you believe in is alright and fine with me, as long as you don't belittle others for their beliefs, as this is a huge problem in the world right now. Of course I'm not the best person to explain this because I'm not an extremely devote Catholic, but I do go to church every week and during holy days.
And certain old testament laws do make a certain degree of sense. Such as forbidding people to sleep around and eating "unclean" animals. Bear in mind that they didn't have any means to rid meat of their diseases. Animals like pigs would pretty much eat anything, and thus be a health hazard. Not eating pork was for their own good. And in the new testament that law was made absolete. As for sleeping around, STD's were around, modern medicine wasn't. Again, for their own good.
I love this unity between the people right now trying to defend their beliefs. I have similar beliefs, it's just that my religion focuses more on the new testament because Jesus already fulfilled the Old Testament. No hate. I just love this right here.
Who's benifit was the rule that if a man raped a woman his punishment is twenty gold pieces and he must marry the girl. Could you imagine being forced to marry your rapist by your religion? Maybe the Old Testament is obsolite, but what I'm saying is the stuff in the bible doesn't make sense or doesn't add up to the whole picture. I think were all a science experiment. Think about it. What if we are all ants in some kids classroom project ...
Back to the guest comment, um, the line
"Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav'n,"
from John Milton's Paradise Lost is the reason for that. Which is weird, because it's pretty much a fanfic.
I love paradise lost, but it isn't a completely accurate representation of the bible.
@tylerchu, there's a whole book series on the science behind certain things in the bible by Robert W Faid. Check it out, its pretty interesting.
Coolpie, you just made my tolerance preach useless by telling the user he will burn in hell. We don't know that. We have no right to judge and damn people so either grow up or shut up.
Hello this is coolpie178's brother, I am repsponsible for any of the mean/offensive comments, the reason I am typing this is beacuse "coolpie178" is currently threating me with an egg saying that he will throw it if I do not type this. "coolpie" caught me logging into his account right now so that is how I got caught.
I kind of want coolpie's brother to get an account. This comment thread was interesting. (And I agree with dave90000, me and my brother still pull stuff like this on each other)
my religion believes that all religions come from the same god and that they are all prophets of god. my religion also is all about equality and are against discrimination. it was also the first religion to ever say that man and women are equal. we don;t believe in heaven or hell. but in a next world that you go to after you die, everyone goes even if you don;t believe in god, it just means you won;t have as close as a relationship with him. but heaven and hell were just metaphors made for people to understand a closeness to god. it doesn't mean you are going to get punished. btw if you are interested my religion is the Baha'i Faith. but feel free to believe in god or not, its your opinion :)
I'm raised Catholic and I've always thought this!!! I have mentioned it to people like: shouldn't he like bad people? But they treat me like im defending the devil. I'm not!!!! At one point I thought he just likes punishing? Because he's evil...??? I went to bible study with a jehova witness who told me hell was not real. Devil is but he acts on earth.....that made sense to me.
What I believe is that hell was created not for satan to rule over, but for it to be his eternal, well, hell. I'm a Christian (baptist, specifically) and that's my take on it all.
Satan freed us from the walls of Eden and gave us knowledge and freedom of thought. He is the true hero of man. When the apocalypse draws near, I know whose side I'll be on.
So if I give my (imaginary) kid a gun and he kills someone (or himself) even when I told him not to pull the trigger it's fine because I gave him the option to choose to obey or disobey me? Satan gave humanity a gun, but that gun didn't shoot the bullet into our heart. What Satan gave us was the bullet and we chose to rip open our chests and plunge that damn thing into us.
What are you taking about? Did Satan give us the gun or the bullet, or both? What is the bullet a metaphor for? Why did we rip open our chest and insert a bullet when we had a gun(or did we)?
@garlog Each one of those cause deaths evrey day, AND if Satan had not tricked Eve into eating the forsaken friut, so next time a pet or family member dies blame Satan for their death
The fruit didn't cause humanity to be evil, the fruit caused humanity to be able to choose what they wanted. Free will wasn't originally part of Creation, free will was the gift that God managed to make out of that situation; the choice to follow him would be good.
Free will was ours the moment we ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It removed the illusion of innocence. Free will made us the lord of ourselves so we were no longer Yahweh's puppets. How is it that an almighty entity had to "mange to make a gift" out of a situation? Could he not simply remove the effects of the Tree, or at least recreate Adam and Eve? And maybe not have the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden?
Well sin was here before the creation of the world, which is why Satan/ Lucifer was around the beginning and was able to trick Eve into eating the fruit. Whoops, sorry. Don't want to be around any longer.
tylerchu, you are correct. But in a world where God created everything as a good, why not think of the serpent as the Devil, there is no evidence backing this up, yes, but not a lot of evidence to make it an invalid argument.
The key word there is faith. You need not understand it. Before the Bible people failed to understand each other. The bible made little difference in that respect but gave others a new light and hope. As I said, you need not understand it, but for those with their own interpretation leave alone, for that is their belief and you have not the right to tell them otherwise.
Guys, do you even read your bibles properly? The bible says that the serpent was the craftiest of God's creations, and thus was influenced by lucifer to decieve Eve. Lucifer fell to earth eons before that.
i think satan offers you a "good life", money, fame, bla blà blà, if you are evil or if you sell your soul, but after you die, he tortures you because you are still a creation of God...
Satan doesn't actually punish people. Everyone thinks he's in hell, but really, he's running around on earth. God runs heaven and hell, he is the both the giver and the taker.
I've been trying to stay out of this whole discussion, but I will answer your question. Child baptism is a mainly catholic practice. There is actually no mention of baptizing children in the Bible. Baptism - to many other Christian denominations - is a symbolic act for people to publicly proclaim that they are followers of God and that their sins have been "washed away." Many Christians disagree with the act of baptizing babies, because they believe a person can only become a Christian when they are able to make the decision themselves. The Bible actually does not specify if/how a rapture will happen or what will happen to children. The different things that you both said are from doctrines created by men who are attempting to answer the question based on their knowledge of the Bible, not what the Bible explicitly states.
And besides, in my religion, Satan is technically the guy who makes people do evil things
I'm not trying to tell anyone what to believe. It's just what I believe.
"Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav'n,"
from John Milton's Paradise Lost is the reason for that. Which is weird, because it's pretty much a fanfic.
@tylerchu, there's a whole book series on the science behind certain things in the bible by Robert W Faid. Check it out, its pretty interesting.