I think Miley can sing, 1D is a nice band for boyband fans, the worst about JB is his personality and Nicki is a good artist in her music genre. And I'm a fan of only one of them.
· 10 years ago
People forget that only good music survives, so really we're seeing the best of the past.
In all honesty though, that Anaconda picture is the only "real" bad picture. All the others are benign pictures of bad influences, idiots, and/or artists perceived to be bad at music.
did you listen to what i said? it. is. not. the. music. that. makes. a. person. im honestly not a fan of her music, but i like some of the things she says.
"i am a big supporter of women that came from nothing and worked their way to the top."
There is great music out there! :) I usually get my music from small/big youtube channels, that feature some amazing small artists, (That in my opinion are more enjoyable than big radio featured artists.)
Those are also the people others look up to and mold themselves to. Parents and whatnot need to keep these bad influences away as part of their responsibility to family and society.
Oh please. There might not be "good" and "bad" music but there certainly is music that was made with some effort and feelings and then there's music that was smashed together in one afternoon by a dude behind a computer looking to make a lot of money. There is a difference between these two kinds of music, you have to admit that much.
What are you talking about? I'm saying that the artists are bad influences for small people. It seems like you're saying that music isn't inherently good or bad; it's what it's interpreted of it and I completely agree.
You know I love old rock and I like new music I just like music in general but on the subject of good and bad influences if you listen to some of the songs from back in the day of sex, drugs, and rock and roll there are a lot of songs that have some very sexual messages/content and some with rather bad messages just like some of today's music and parents of kids in those days had the same responsibility as the parents of today but the parents back in the day would let them listen to it anyway. The only thing that's changed about musical influence is the artists and how they sing. All in all it's just an endless cycle that will go on for probably the rest of time.
· 10 years ago
Here's an idea!
How about nobody say anything about music in general, unless it's positive.
Example: "Aww yiss I love Bohemian Rhapsody"
Example: "That song Anaconda is so f**kin bad and shallow"
However, thoughtful critique should always be allowed.
Anaconda for example: yes I dislike the song, but not for the usual reasons that many decry it for. My reasoning is that Nicki sounds like a kid in the song and given the content of the lyrics, I find it to be... a little creepy.
Let me flip this on its head. I seriously dig classic rock, notably Led Zeppelin. I will listen to just about *everything* they have done... except Stairway. Don't get me wrong, it is an excellent song, but the *idea* of it has become cliche, almost a sad joke.
Not the song itself... but the idea of the song. It's hard for me to express my feelings for it, but I feel that it has been played out and is "done."
It still is undoubtedly one of Zeppelin's greats, but for me I have metaphorically put it on a shelf in a safe place of honor, to be looked at now and again.
New Kids isn't forgotten they have a cruise every year, tons of concerts, atleast 5 tv shows about the individual people and there's one about them all together. i would know because my mother is a ginormous fan of theirs...
*listens to guns n roses*
*loves elvis beyond limits*
*thinks WHAM is the bomb*
*listens to one direction bc they're not as bad as everyone thinks they are ad they're not 16 anymore they're in their damn twenties*
*thinks Simon and Garfunkel are a gift from god*
*queen rules*
*pink floyd are life*
don't you ever dare think your taste in music makes you cool .. honestly how can we expect these kids to respect our taste in music and the glorious artists history has been graced with if we can't respect theirs.
When I think of music... I think of music you can dance to, music that isnt always about love or some lonely desperate guy who had a recent broke up, why not music about the hard times in life or music about something other then butts or sex. This is a post that tells me that there is some faith in this world (random deja vu).
Let the hate comments come at me bro
or you know, I could listen to both and ignore this because why would I want to listen to somebody who shits on people's opinions based on the vibrations of sound they like?
Gonna drop this next bomb for a money makin playa that ain't with us no mo.
Yeah Notorious B.I.G.
Hell no, we're gonna do this for a gangbanging thug that never seen it comin.
Yeah Tupac Shakur
No bitch, I'm talkin bout motherfuckin Falco and shit.
What? Falco?
The problem isn't the music in itself. The problem is it being force fed to the masses, and the ones who are so enamered in the "scene" as you will thatthey are willing to do some seseriously terrible things in the name of their favorite band or musician. Its the propping up of the musicians who are doing equally or even worse things in order to stay in that spotlight. Where as years ago, though there were fanatics then and there always will be, the people weren't idolized for doing stupid things they were idolized for producing amazing music not getting married for 72 hours. Or getting arrested for reckless driving and DUI. That's what the problem is with today's music scene. Its not just the music its the people.
That's not just limited to the music scene that's basically why a lot of famous people get attention because people think the stupid things they do are interesting as hell. That's just the way humanity is right now we either laugh at the stupid things people do and say "that's OK I still like you" or we judge them and start hating them.
That is true unfortunately it also shows the decline of civilization just as the end of the roman empire where gladiators were pitted against fellow man and beast for the entertainment of the masses. Or the tournaments in the middle ages as we saw the decline of the British empire. We see it now with shows like American idol where the less talented are preyed upon for our amusement. They use these "tools" if you will to keep our minds off of the reality that we are as a society and empire on the decline.
Nothing really as far as I can tell. They all seem to be decent, upstanding young men, they haven't made the news like some other young stars have. They are young pop music stars and that makes them easy targets for hate.
It's been the same through modern music history, all the way back to the Beetles.
I don't like the because they are what's wrong with media today, everything is fabricated to produce emotion and take your money. Nowadays you barely see any popular groups or artist who do it because that are actually talented and do it from the bottom of their hearts. One direction were picked because they have faces that sell to their audience which is teenage girls, none of their songs are made by actual members of the group, unlike the beetles, which makes the fabrication problem even worse. Some people don't care thy just want music that is catchy bu I prefer if we step away from that and stop rinsing and repeating for a quick cash grab and start making different a better types of music.
Well, I'd like to start of by saying, *Beatles. And to finish off by asking why 1D is always compared to the Beatles. The Beatles were a real band, 1D are a boyband. There shouldn't even be a comparison.
YES dude this is so true. Today's music is trash and anything called rock is BS such as lorde or anything like that. So lets bring back all the good stuff and start making real music.
Perhaps a good example outside of her music videos and lyrics...
EDIT: word choice
"i am a big supporter of women that came from nothing and worked their way to the top."
How about nobody say anything about music in general, unless it's positive.
Example: "Aww yiss I love Bohemian Rhapsody"
Example: "That song Anaconda is so f**kin bad and shallow"
This way, we can avoid annoying people.
Anaconda for example: yes I dislike the song, but not for the usual reasons that many decry it for. My reasoning is that Nicki sounds like a kid in the song and given the content of the lyrics, I find it to be... a little creepy.
Let me flip this on its head. I seriously dig classic rock, notably Led Zeppelin. I will listen to just about *everything* they have done... except Stairway. Don't get me wrong, it is an excellent song, but the *idea* of it has become cliche, almost a sad joke.
Also, have you heard about Zepparella?
Sorry for the fan boy moment, but Zeppelin, y'know?
Not the song itself... but the idea of the song. It's hard for me to express my feelings for it, but I feel that it has been played out and is "done."
It still is undoubtedly one of Zeppelin's greats, but for me I have metaphorically put it on a shelf in a safe place of honor, to be looked at now and again.
*loves elvis beyond limits*
*thinks WHAM is the bomb*
*listens to one direction bc they're not as bad as everyone thinks they are ad they're not 16 anymore they're in their damn twenties*
*thinks Simon and Garfunkel are a gift from god*
*queen rules*
*pink floyd are life*
don't you ever dare think your taste in music makes you cool .. honestly how can we expect these kids to respect our taste in music and the glorious artists history has been graced with if we can't respect theirs.
Let the hate comments come at me bro
Yeah Notorious B.I.G.
Hell no, we're gonna do this for a gangbanging thug that never seen it comin.
Yeah Tupac Shakur
No bitch, I'm talkin bout motherfuckin Falco and shit.
What? Falco?
It's been the same through modern music history, all the way back to the Beetles.