I've seen quiet a lot of people saying that they don't believe what the post is about unless they have evidence, but really, why would someone post a fake sad story online? To get internet sympathy from people they don't even know? I don't see the point but in other cases I'd probably sometimes agree.
I'm not saying you are, I'm saying there are people who would, and I wonder what the percentage of peeps who post a comment are in fact lying about it, and we came to the conclusion it is close to zero.
I love this post, and reading through the comments I just want to say how all of you guys are so damn awesome for saying 'need someone to talk to' or anything along the lines. Keep being awesome people, I just wish I knew some of ya'll in real life!
My dad has hurt me a lot in the past as well as my brother. But, he's starting to get better. He has a hard time changing though, and he always puts his own problems on us. I shouldn't be mad though, he takes care of us. Im sorry for anyone who has a father that has hurt them and has never really loved them. I used to feel the same when my dad put his girlfriend before his own children. He beat my brother in front of me to. I couldn't do much since i was so small. He even blamed us for his depression and his break up and threatened to kill himself because of us not trying hard enough to keep him and his girlfriend together. He lied to us countless times to, and i still haven't forgiven him completely, But at least he's trying to be better now. Anyway, if anyone needs to talk I'll be able to understand completely. I may not have been through as much as some of you, but I'll definitely listen.
My dad left when I was around three. I don't really remember living with him, only that he made my mom cry a lot, and they would scream at each other. I'm 15 now, and I have an awesome stepdad, a little sister, and my mom is really happy. Still, I kind of wish my dad had stuck around. I only see him a few times per year and feel like he doesn't really know me.
Im really sorry to hear that, it must suck. Dont worry, we know how it feels so we can all relate. You're not alone!!!
· 10 years ago
Sadly I am not the only one. I had no trust in my father. My big brother and sister don't like him. He is an impulsive, aggressive father. I really hated him. But I respect him. He is a very respectful man. He just doesn't know how to be a good father. I can't change him.
Guys.. Don't hate your parents for how they are or act. They give you life and they are the reason you are here. Now you just have to live your life. With or without what they teach or give to you. Accepting the fact that they are not the perfect parents will help you to live your own life. And that what you're supposed to do. Live your life like a wild little butterfly :3 (sorry for the bad English...)
Wanted a frame of reference to what you said; whether you're an adult looking back or a teen trying to forge an identity or a child repeating what they've been told.
· 10 years ago
Well, I think I am trying to forge an identity different than my parents and I am influenced by my "therapy"
thank you
Guys.. Don't hate your parents for how they are or act. They give you life and they are the reason you are here. Now you just have to live your life. With or without what they teach or give to you. Accepting the fact that they are not the perfect parents will help you to live your own life. And that what you're supposed to do. Live your life like a wild little butterfly :3 (sorry for the bad English...)