Mastur Cheef


You turn on any of my crew, you turn on me

— Mastur Cheef Report User
Good advice for life 8 comments
h3lltroop3r · 8 years ago
He's the one you send to kill the fucking Boogeyman.
Prepare yourself, the feels are coming. 4 comments
h3lltroop3r · 8 years ago
My grandad would take his elderly dog out in a buggy.
When I'm in bed, in an empty room and hear something 6 comments
h3lltroop3r · 8 years ago
... Dollhouse?
The colors of coolness 7 comments
h3lltroop3r · 8 years ago
Andy Dwyer is fucking cool too...
Fie fies 13 comments
h3lltroop3r · 8 years ago
She'd get a new bike if it was my daughter.
Snug as a pug in a rug looking all smug like a thug 9 comments
h3lltroop3r · 8 years ago
Best title on Funsubstance.
Ohh yes we have 17 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
Mah song Fox. What in the Chin-cha-da are they waiting for.
Every summer is the same... 3 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
Exactly why I'm getting Elite Dangerous to keep me busy.
Footballers reaction to disabled fan which cried due to their team being relegated 13 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
Shit likes this breaks me, but at the same time, gives me hope.
Hopefully I'll still get one 19 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
Wait till she tells you to say something to the one you like, walk forward, turn around, walk towards her and say what she told you to.
Forget the dress, which is the nearer one? 56 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
.............. Fuck.
They're Taking Over The World 3 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
"Cathy I told you, that cashier sniffed MY butt, alright?"
Am I the only one here who does this? 6 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
I am not alone...
When typing a comment 8 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
I feel the same way, in fact I remember one ti...
Smooth 18 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
I remember kissing for the first time and it was like a fish had stubbed his fin while trying to eat another fish... But I got better.
Gamer ingenuity 30 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
Why the fuck would you have the water that high?
Come on guys, respect the interests of other people 18 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
But Top Gear fans weren't cutting themselves and crying about one band member leaving when the rest of the band is still there and producing music.l, while Top Gear looks to be finished because of it.
What's your favorite movie quote? 30 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
We are but shadows and dust.
I like Shane... he's chill. 12 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
I like Shane... he's chill. 12 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
The one about personality disorders made me cry.
Snowman prank 4 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
Fucking love Trigger Happy TV. 52 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
There should be ways of excluding the people that can't be parents.
Nothing brightens your day like baby animal booties 16 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
I died at the munchkin kitty.
Damn gamer guys 3 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
The perfect organism.
Save a life, Adopt! 28 comments
h3lltroop3r · 9 years ago
Pretty sure I'd run away with it if I had to walk it down.