I don't think there's anything wrong with Valentine's day. What's wrong with celebrating love? I mean, I think the whole marketing and insane money spending is stupid, but the actual point of Valentine's day isn't. Besides, it's pretty lame to hate Valentines day because it reminds people that they are single. No one protests Father's day because it reminds them that they don't have one.
It's somewhat stupid to shower your loved ones in attention only on one particular day decided by the calendar. Everyone craves love, it's human nature, and that's why Valentine's day is cruel. It excludes those people who don't have a cheesy swetheart to take selfies with, it literarly points a finger at everybody who isn't a part of a romanticly involved couple and shames them. Everybody asks "did you get something for valentines?" and you're forced to say no and fake a smile and get annoyed, explaining how everything is just a capitalistic trick but all you're really doing is admitting you're not loved by a special someone and you're somehow ashamed of it and that's terrible. It's terribly to have a holiday that makes people wonder if they are unworthy of love.
the majority of people who complain are too young to even be thinking about a long relationship. It's an excuse to shower your partner with love- you have a reason to spend money on them without them feeling guilty or overwhelmed- it's just a little fun. For people who are ashamed to be single- nobody is judging you but yourself, nobody is forcing all love prospects away from you or intentionally throwing their affection for eachover down your throat. Valentine's day is about showing others you love them and the fact that it's only one day every year makes it all the more special for those who do enjoy it- don't spoil somebody's perfect day out of jealousy or spite- if you're so ashamed to be single, don't guilt people who aren't- go out and try to find somebody for yourself. Of course it takes time, of course it takes effort- but if it means so much to not be alone, it should be worth it.
· 10 years ago
I don't agree that Valentine's day makes people feel like they're "unworthy of love" if they single but I do agree that it's stupid to only celebrate love on one specific day a year :/
Oh, ohh, guest, sou you're saying all those people who look at me side-eyed when I say I have nothing to do on valentine's because I'm single, you're telling me they're NOT judging me? It's all in my head? Seriously?
"you have a reason to spend money on them without them feeling guilty or overwhelmed" Feeling guilty for spending money on someone you love? I don't get the logic... maybe because there is none.
I'm not trying to spoil anybody's happy day, I just wish my fucking day on february 14th every year could pass without people making me feel like shit and the whole world blasting at me the most absurd and capitalistic message ever: "You're only worth something if you spend money on particular things on this particular day and/or recieve things from others because a box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses automatically equals love."
I think the guest meant that sometimes if you spend more money on your partner than they do on you, they feel bad and that makes you feel bad-or when you give them a gift out of the blue they aren't prepared for. I think you underestimate just how many people are single on valentine's day and overestimate how many couples actually care enough to judge. Nobody is forcing you to think the way you do, the world is not full of couples who revolve around the idea of "wow what a loser being single." If I were you, I'd stop thinking negatively and think, "why not give it a shot?" At least once-why choose to be unhappy and angry over one day when you could be out enjoying yourself even with friends or family? I can't believe EVERYBODY you know is with a partner. Valentines day is about love, that doesn't have to be romantic. Nobody can change it for you-take life into your own hands, make plans so that you can say "yes, I'm meeting ____" when somebody asks what your doing. Have fun :)
I don't want to have plans or be in a relationship. I want people to back off my case and stop bugging me with valentine's day and everything about it. I can be as lonely as I want and still not deserve to have all this lovey-dovey crap rubbed into my face along with being pitied because i'm so alone and pathetic. I don't shit on others when they talk about their oh-so-perfect partners so why not return the fucking favour for one darn day a year?
" the world is not full of couples who revolve around the idea of "wow what a loser being single."" When I take a look around, I must say you're bitterly mistaken. Taken people's favourite waste of time is mocking those who are not as "lucky" as they are.
...honestly, it sounds like you're the judgemental one-And honestly, you sound a bit insecure. You say you don't care about being single and lonely- then contradict it by saying you hate people rubbing in your face that they have a partner- it honestly just makes you look bitter. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying every single person is bitter- heck I'M single, and believe me, I know the feeling of people being particularly open about their affection on valentines day right next to me while I'm stood on my own- but personally, seeing my couples together, so happy, makes me happy too. And I don't know where on earth you live- but I can basically promise that anywhere else, unless it's a bitter ex or your worst enemy- nobody gives a shit if you're single on valentines day. It looks worse when you go announcing it and having a go at anybody who tries to say anything else to you. What is so wrong with people being happy with their loved one for 24 hours? If it's your friends who look at yo
your friends who look at you weirdly- you need new friends. If it's people you aren't close with- why would you even care what they think? I've been single over valentines day every valentines day- and on the rare occasion somebody DOES ask what I'm doing, when I say “nothing.” they barely react. It's like saying “what are you doing for mother's day?”. I think you're taking people's responses VERY personally and jumping to conclusions about what's in people's head, and it's hard to respect your opinion when you become aggressive as you have in these comments. If people you know really are making you feel so shit, cut them out of your life- but remember if you get so negative to people who aren't trying to upset you, they can cut you out of their lives too. You can't complain about how couples judge you for being single when you judge couples because you think they're all mocking you.
It sounds like jollysailor is describing something along the lines of "don't be jealous of your friend's happiness".
For me, I'm not jealous. I'm glad that they're happy. I just want them to take that brand of happiness and move it a bit away from me so I can have my own little happiness in my insane fantasy world where fun things happen. If their couple-happiness breaks my fantasy-world bubble I become unhappy.
I have this strange inverse relationship with the romantic mindset. A romantic relationship is one of my lowest priorities but for some reason public romantic behavior irritates the hell out of me.
· 10 years ago
I agree about the first point, A romantic relationship isn't high on my list either but so long as a couple isn't eating each others faces or worse in public then I don't mind
But that's the problem. More often than not you do see them chomping on each other's lips or packs of them nuzzling in the halls. I swear some of them would be mating in public if it wasn't for the fact that they were wearing clothes.
· 10 years ago
I'm not sure where you live and holy cow i feel sorry for you having to see that but that's not what it's like around where I am. It's really odd to see people doing that in public
It's called high school where people know enough about themselves that they want to bang something but don't know enough proper social behavior that banging should at least have the cover of a car door and the front seats.
· 10 years ago
I was in high school last year and that didn't happen there
Only a few people do it and I only see them very rarely but when i do see them they're the most obvious thing in six miles around. There could be an alien invasion overhead and they'll find a way to make it so that their snagling is the first and only thing you see before you get phased into oblivion.
@tylerchu it seems like we have a couple of things in common. As for the rest, I might be bitter and everything else any of you wants to call me but I still don't like valentine's and I still think it's quite a common thing for people in relationships to look down on their single friends and judge the holy fuck out of them, PARTICULARLY on valentine's day. Saying this, i retire my allegedly mean, embittered ass from this conversation.
Honey I think you might be pregnant because this post is late af
· 10 years ago
The actual reason we spend VALENTINE's day is because of St Valentine marrying people who were refused legal marriage. Valentines day is supposed to honor him, how we do this is by going out of our way to do something for a loved one (more than usual) thanking St Valentine for implementing the mindset of letting people marry anyone they please.
Talk for yourself. I care for the people I love through the whole year and I show it to them by hungging them and doing them tiny favours money can't ever buy. Valenitne's day as we know it is a capitalistic holiday made to spend money to make us feel better about ourselves. It's pathetic and I would think this way even if I were fucking polygamic and had 15 husbands.
This mentality is a little silly and bitter.
Should we not celebrate birthdays because we should be happy we're alive every day and hallmark makes birthday cards? We're supposed to love and celebrate baby Jesus every day, not just his birthday but I never see s backlash for that (I know that wasn't his birthday historians).
Every day is the start of a new year from 365 days ago but no one hates on NY.
If you don't like valentine's day you don't need to partake, but no need to be Debbie Downer.
I think we're bitter because it's something we can't all share joy in. In fact, this lack of being able to participate in/share joy is exacerbated by point 1. Birthdays, Christmas, holidays, and all these other things we can be happy for because we're all going to get a birthday sometime and we're all going to see Christmas lights sometime. Some of us genuinely believe that we're going to live and die single so it's a bit more painful (for lack of a better word; I mean to say something like "irritatingly grating") to see other people being able to love someone else.
Also don't forget that St valentine was not only the patron saint of love, but also that of beekeeping, epilepsy and the plague.
Valentines day is a lie.
Thank you!
You're the best, rapunzel.
"you have a reason to spend money on them without them feeling guilty or overwhelmed" Feeling guilty for spending money on someone you love? I don't get the logic... maybe because there is none.
I'm not trying to spoil anybody's happy day, I just wish my fucking day on february 14th every year could pass without people making me feel like shit and the whole world blasting at me the most absurd and capitalistic message ever: "You're only worth something if you spend money on particular things on this particular day and/or recieve things from others because a box of chocolates and a bouquet of roses automatically equals love."
" the world is not full of couples who revolve around the idea of "wow what a loser being single."" When I take a look around, I must say you're bitterly mistaken. Taken people's favourite waste of time is mocking those who are not as "lucky" as they are.
For me, I'm not jealous. I'm glad that they're happy. I just want them to take that brand of happiness and move it a bit away from me so I can have my own little happiness in my insane fantasy world where fun things happen. If their couple-happiness breaks my fantasy-world bubble I become unhappy.
Should we not celebrate birthdays because we should be happy we're alive every day and hallmark makes birthday cards? We're supposed to love and celebrate baby Jesus every day, not just his birthday but I never see s backlash for that (I know that wasn't his birthday historians).
Every day is the start of a new year from 365 days ago but no one hates on NY.
If you don't like valentine's day you don't need to partake, but no need to be Debbie Downer.
Valentines day is a lie.