maybe because they open america's big secret to the world. and america keep a blind eye on the truth. and didnt want the world to know their mistakes of hurting others. remember that time the u.s army drop a missile / bomb among the citizen at a market without any warning. and after that they told media it's an act of suicide bombing ? the truth out there, but why are they drowning in lies
said the guy who doesn't know what grammar is.
You can spell or say things wrong but still get them right. If he's 10, he's a very smart ten year old.
If he doesn't know how the world works can you explain how much you know of it?
Give history time. There were colonial loyalists who thought Washington was guilty of treason, and conservative Americans who thought MLK was a dangerous radical. With the benefit of hindsight, they are seen as heroes. We're just too close to this right now. In twenty or thirty years, I bet Snowden et al. will be remembered better than they are now.
Snowmen, in my opinion not a traitor. No Burgdahl on the other hand! He walked off his post, AWOL (away without official leave) and he tried to join the Taliban. He searched out our enemies and tried to sell them out secrets and join their misguided cause. At least 2 soldiers died as a direct result of that cowards actions.
Oh also, a week after Burgdahl skipped out, the base he was on got attacked more than it had ever been. Rockets and mortars falling outta the sky every day. That SOB was selling out his brothers in arms. He deserves whatever punishment they give him and more.
Simple. By the definitions of INFOSEC, United States Code and the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Bergdahl and Snowden violated law and regulation to such a degree that they have caused "grave damage" to National Security.
Bergdahl is being charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy... both of which could carry a death sentance. That seems unlikely though, a life sentence is unfortunately more probable.
I say unfortunate because six soldiers died during the search for him.
George Washington was a general and helped lead the fight in the Revolutionary War and later, the country. May I remind you that he also kept the US from having a king or queen such as England.
MLK helped lead innocent people to freedom through nonviolent protesting, leading an entire town (Selma, Alabama) across the Mississippi River, past racist cops and helped enact an anti-racism act in Washington DC.
Snowden released files on the NSA and fled to Russia. That's really it.
Seeing too many people refrence Bergdahl, who is not the one in the 4th pane, that would be Bradly Manning (now Chelsea Manning). Manning is the person who released documents to Wikileaks in 2010.
· 10 years ago
Well then I retract my statement. All props to these two for exposing this enormous government over reach.
That's a kick to the face. All I said was straight facts. He clarified a mistake about one person.
Can you explain how him explaining OP's mistake makes him smarter than everyone else?
I'm not trying to "spew venom", it's just that you didn't seem to realise that not everyone is the same person.
As such, you cannot expect me, a random guy, to automatically understand exactly what you meant, no?
Tell you what bookhoarder if you do not post after this comment I will not constantly reply to you on other post spewing the most profound evil you can imagine. Ill just leave it alone and chalk it up as you're a dude who needs to get laid. If you reply,the war has started and will not end until I win.
so if I reply here, you would willingly "spew evil" onto me? Really? You're that much of a child?
Go on, do it. I have the power to report you and get your IP banned either way.
MLK's *peaceful* civil disobedience caused people to be embarrassed over how those people were being treated violently. I don't see how anyone can equate that with the two examples of coawardice/desertion/betraying one's country or selling one nation's secrets for profit.
You can spell or say things wrong but still get them right. If he's 10, he's a very smart ten year old.
If he doesn't know how the world works can you explain how much you know of it?
I say unfortunate because six soldiers died during the search for him.
MLK helped lead innocent people to freedom through nonviolent protesting, leading an entire town (Selma, Alabama) across the Mississippi River, past racist cops and helped enact an anti-racism act in Washington DC.
Snowden released files on the NSA and fled to Russia. That's really it.
I just didn't recognize the fourth guy, so I couldn't reference him.
Can you explain how him explaining OP's mistake makes him smarter than everyone else?
As such, you cannot expect me, a random guy, to automatically understand exactly what you meant, no?
Go on, do it. I have the power to report you and get your IP banned either way.