Hard G Gif cause if the creator wanted it to sound like jif he should have just wrote JIF. Yeah its short for Graphics Interchange Format, but guess what g is used way more with the hard sound than soft, garden, gram, golf, graphic, groom, gallbladder, gum, great, good, grand. On the other hand you have Giles like the librarian from Buffy.
JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group and is pronounced Jay-Peg. Even though the P is for Photographic it isn't pronounced with an "F" sound. What word an individual letter stands for and how you pronounce the letter in that word means nothing.
Before that stupid Wal-Mart commercial the only people who pronounced GIF with a hard G were people who didn't know what it meant.
Before that stupid Wal-Mart commercial the only people who pronounced GIF with a hard G were people who didn't know what it meant.