So I play percussion in band, and one day a new percussionist walked in. He wasn't very attractive and was really annoying. He always tried to trip me and he was constantly making really dirt jokes. I hated him. Then one day we went on a band trip and I was forced to sit next to him and he turned out to be a really nice person, the complete opposite of how he is in band. Now I think that I like him even though everybody in band hates him
Tbh I don't agree with this at all. Now I would never judge someone, comment on them or be rude to them based on their looks, EVER. But unless someone is asexual, I think for most people including myself, you need some physical attraction there too. Just because you want to be physically attracted to someone doesn't make you shallow, as long as thats not your ONLY factor for a potentially happy relationship
When ever a guy has manners and is polite in my school and does little things like let me out the door first and say sorry when they bump into me i instantly get a crush on them cus barely anyone has good manners anymore
· 10 years ago
is happening right now, like i didn't even find him attractive the first time i met him but we hung out a few times again and now i'm head over heels, like his voice all alone is attractive...i just
They can be attractive with a horrible personality or they can have an amazing personality and not so much looks...or both
You can't change the way you look. I personally would rather have someone with an amazing personality. Looks come last for me.
Same happened with him.
Now, we are happy together.
He's not the cutest but he's pretty cool
They can be attractive with a horrible personality or they can have an amazing personality and not so much looks...or both
You can't change the way you look. I personally would rather have someone with an amazing personality. Looks come last for me.