Or you could just appreciate the gesture? I love when my boyfriend gets me flowers. It means he was thinking about me. I don't care that they die in a few days, it's just the fact that he did something sweet.
This is exactly it. I don't consider myself to the ones that stop to smell the flowers or just like them in general, but if my girlfriend would get me ones, I cherish those colorful shits with all my heart till they die
Some girls like flowers, so I guess its about getting your girl whatever makes her happy. Though I'd rather take the money that I'd have spent on all those flowers and bought her something that would last, like jewlery.
· 10 years ago
I dry the flowers I get. They last longer that way.
Is this a common thing? As a female, I love getting flowers (any kind, any quantity) but I feel like my SO would look at me as if I had three heads if I returned the gesture.....
U are a woman