It's not at all bad, infact it's a great score, but believing that you are that great at something isn't really great for self esteem when you get out in to the real world where not everyone is the best at everything and not everyone wins a medal
Hey. While there are some "stupid" people here as is every country, we aren't all stupid as stereotypes say. I'm taking math three years above me and college courses freshman year. I have A's in AP courses and 3.9 gpa. Everyone is different, they have their own ways of learning and some may need a little help but we aren't dumb.
· 10 years ago
Sorry, but in my school a 3.9 GPA would suck absolute sh*t. It goes up to a perfect score of 10.0. Can you please explain how it works in the Land of the Free?
.. You have a scale of 10? 0.0