Don't destroy the image of Muslims people if want to know about Muslims or Islam read or ask someone who's capable to tell the truth not any random person setting behind a device
There is a great difference between reading and studying!! That is why God sent the prophets to teach the people the meaning of each sentence in the book and how to practice each action. And that's why there are a lot of these idiots who just read without knowing the purpose or the meaning of what they read.
There are over 100 mentions of fighting in the Quran. The Quran itself defines fighting as showing your faith and it is done by aiding in the abolishment of false religions. So showing your faith literally means you need to fight and destroy infidels (non-believers). The Quran urges everyone to show how much faith they have by waging war and fighting infidels. There are many Muslims that don't fight or kill but they are technically not following the Quran. So why even bother identifying as a Muslim if you pick and choose what you want to adhere to.
Why even bother identifying as a Christian if you don't stone women who have sex before marriage to death, marry multiple wives yourself, and chastise any woman who doesn't wear a head scarf while praying. (I went to bible school. The bible actually says women must wear headscarves while praying, but the Catholic Church interpreted as part of the culture at the time and doesn't require it)
· 10 years ago
Yeah, but the Catholic Church has had way too many faults over the centuries. Shaking hands with Hitler and allowing the Holocaust to happen, burning people at the stake for translating the Bible, removing the divine name, etc. But you have to realize that stoning women who have sex before marriage was part of the Mosaic Law, which attempted to purify the Jews as the "chosen race", and they lost that status, which was one reason why the Mosaic Law became redundant.
What? I'm trying to say Catholism is superior. I was trying to make a point about following the Bible exactly because the yahoo above me was saying "if you don't follow your religious scripture exactly, then why bother identifying with that religion" so I pointed out some things that the Bible says that no one follows exactly, to say according to his logic, no one should call themselves Christian.
Let's say they do follow their "islamic code", in one aspect meaning they followed a different version via tradiotional rules or someone's different old perception of islam, I guarantee you it's the same one that say killing your own islamic ppl is alright just cause they stepped out of line and it's "ok" cause this one guy said it was, even tho it contridicted with the REAL codes/rules
And we didn't start out fighting, it was an act of self defence, Prophet Muhammad was just willingly spreading it/sharing to ppl who were interested, no force or brutality, and if anything he was scrutinised/stoned on a daily basis just for thinking differently when he started out
· 10 years ago
The things that the Bible says that no-one follows exactly, eg. stoning people, are not meant to be followed in our day.
We don't follow the Old Testament (first half) of the bible because (explaining it as easily as I can off the top of my head) we have new laws and the old laws like stoning people who slept around and all that kind of thing are outdated. While some laws are still practiced, we follow laws given in the new half of the bible and not the old. Google it for a better explaination, not the best explainer but trying:)
· 10 years ago
Exaactly! Loki hit the nail on the head (: Which denomination are you?
And remember how when most of the class were making trouble but a few kids were nicely standing in the line but still get punished because of the other kids.That's how gay people like me feel like.
Real facts are trolling? Don't bitch the next time a muslim murders your family member or bombs a nearby car
· 10 years ago
They're not real facts, motherfucker. I'm not Muslim but there are extremists in every religion which their corresponding church does not endorse. I am in no danger of being murdered or bombed by an extremist so have a brilliant day, good sir.