the only place i've seen THAT before was porn, so... really wondering how come someone might understand these photos as an invitation to leave sexual comments. -.-
Then maybe you shouldn't grab your ass like that.
If you don't want sexual comments, just a suggestion.
I know it may be from the original character, and I'm prepared for downvotes, but hey. Unpopular opinion here
· 9 years ago
I agree. The pose itself is a sexual one so how can she expect no one to see it that way?
· 9 years ago
Yeah it's okay to say this shit for photos but when a rapist is involved it is tottaly different. You are using the same mentality that people use to blame rape victims.
· 9 years ago
There's a difference between just walking down the street and getting attacked and willingly putting up a picture that looks like it could be in a porno and expecting people not to react the way they would to porn.
I'm just gonna say this could be taken out of context. Yes she's holding her butt and it's a sexy costume, I'm sure she is aware. Usually on these kinds of pictures though people post unnecessarily creepy comments. I always see rape comments and how people want to jizz all over or what have you. What happened to the days of people saving these pics in a private folder and using them after? I don't know what she's referring to, but I'm guessing it was really perverted messages and that's not unreasonable
People can control themselves, she has a right to dress how she wants, it's her Cosplay her photo, if she doesn't want people making sexual comment then don't make sexual comments. People are not sharks in a tank full of raw meet, you can control yourself and you cannot blame her for not wanting to get sexual comments. People should respect her and control themselves.
· 9 years ago
I agree with you fully even though she is posing in a sexual manner doesnt give anyone the right to make sexual comments but she must prepare herself for them because some people don't control themselves
Well, if she really didn´t want to make people have sexual comments, she should at least have worn some shorts which are longer than panties of common girl (= her ass is fully covered) and shouldn´t grab her ass, so people will more notice it. She could also take a photo from the front side, so we will actually see how the outfit look - but I think that the pose (not the hands though) could be kinda okay to show her outfit, but still...
· 9 years ago
In that sense is it ok for a model to pose in a magazine in a bikini and then make sexual comments to her when you see her because you saw that picture of her in a bikini? Just because someone takes a photo loke that or wears something like that still doesnt give anyone one the right to make sexual comments or anything. Not smart to wear it if you don't want the attention BUT it doesnt give anyone the right to make sexual comments or rape jokes.
Well, the model is in bikini, because she is advertising the bikini - she just can't wear something else. But this girl is unnecesarilly undressed - she could've worn some longer shorts (as I mentioned before) and her t-shirt could have covered her belly (but okay, it might not be that bad). The model is also posing normally - they're trying to be sexy, but decently sexy - they're not touching their breasts or asses. This is just wrong.
· 9 years ago
You are missing missing point. Just because someone is dressed a certain way doesn't give anyone else the right to make sexual comments point blank period. Yes they should be ready for people to make those comments because people dont control themselves but still doesnt give someone the right to do it
You´re technically right. But when we will go deeper, democracy gives us a right of free speech, so people have right to do it, but I agree - it´s not necessary or wanted.
· 9 years ago
Yes thats all im saying free speech is free speech they are free to do so. It just bothers me when people say oh she dresses that way she wants the attention and yes that may be true sometimes but u cant treat all cadd like that. Its too close to oh she dressed provocative she wants to be harassed And or raped. I know thats not what users on here are saying but its just too close to that.
You´re right and no one wants to be raped, but now honestly - girls wearing shorts that can´t even fully cover their asses and short tops are usually wanting attention (plus when they are touching their asses as this girl do). I think it would be all okay if she had normal sized shorts and more casual pose.
Seec, Freedom of speech means that government cannot prosecute you for speaking out or saying certain things (unless they infringe upon someone else's rights or induce panic) it does not mean you have to right to harass someone when they specifically ask people not to leave sexual/comments. It means you can't be arrested for what you say, not that people cannot call you out or ask you not to say it because it upsets them.
· 9 years ago
Most cosplay nowadays isnt about dressing qs your favourite character but showing of tits and ass to get people to look at you
Well I mean, you can dress sexually for yourself and not want male attention. Nothing crazy about that
· 9 years ago
Yes thats what I am trying to say. That and just because someone is dressed a certain way doesnt give someone else the right to make a sexual comments about it
So some of you may not know her, supermaryface is a part time youtuber who's fiancee is a full time youtuber : cinnamontoastken. Mary jas had to deal with a lot of sexual harrassment and even nearly got raped once but managed to get away from the man. She is well known and everywhere she goes she is almost always being stalked. Sometimes she is too afraid to leave her house or show her house because she has had creeps show up outside her front gate. Being both fans of her fiancee's youtube videos and her videos I say shut the fuck up. You did not know her story, you did not know anything about her, you just assumed that she was some slut trying to get attention. She does this for money, modelling is her job, she does what she is supposed to do for a photoshoot not what she wants to do. Go fuck yourselves if you have any dosrespect for Mary.
"I recognize a person on the internet, you don't. Therefore you're all oppressing her"
Fuck off with your sense of moral superiority. She's clearly modelling a costume, as models do, the costume is not overtly sexual (like, say, a bikini) but there are plenty of more lara croft-esque poses she could have adopted over SPREADING HER FUCKING ASSCHEEKS WHICH IS LITERALLY PORN INDUSTRY STANDARD FOR "PUT IT IN HERE"
On top of that, something she has to understand is that the internet is the internet.
It's one thing receiving unwanted sexual comments from a picture posted in a magazine, or on tv, or while you're in the streets, but on the internet, it WILL happen and you trying to stop that just shows that you're either too young, naive or sensitive to be on the internet, or you just straight up don't understand it.
I guarantee within 12 hours of this pic being posted by her it was on one of 4chan's adult boards.
Get over it.
· 9 years ago
It's her job, you didn't read my comment fully or didn't understand it. She is given poses to do and she does them.
If you don't want sexual comments, just a suggestion.
I know it may be from the original character, and I'm prepared for downvotes, but hey. Unpopular opinion here
~Big Sean~
Fuck off with your sense of moral superiority. She's clearly modelling a costume, as models do, the costume is not overtly sexual (like, say, a bikini) but there are plenty of more lara croft-esque poses she could have adopted over SPREADING HER FUCKING ASSCHEEKS WHICH IS LITERALLY PORN INDUSTRY STANDARD FOR "PUT IT IN HERE"
On top of that, something she has to understand is that the internet is the internet.
It's one thing receiving unwanted sexual comments from a picture posted in a magazine, or on tv, or while you're in the streets, but on the internet, it WILL happen and you trying to stop that just shows that you're either too young, naive or sensitive to be on the internet, or you just straight up don't understand it.
I guarantee within 12 hours of this pic being posted by her it was on one of 4chan's adult boards.
Get over it.