Parents reply ''The hate is mutual sweetheart, everything is going as planned. We knew you wanted a black phone, just like we wanted a boy. Oh and look, you broke your phone just like you broke our dreams'' :-)
So once i asked my grandpa to buy me yellow m&ms since he was going out and he bought me like three brown m&ms and i just didn't know how to react, i just wanted to scream, but i took it and went to my room and put it next to other brown m&ms that my grandma got me before when i asked for yellow and i never let them know they got the wrong color. xD <3
Fuck I hate people like that. I'll take that "shitty" Iphone cuz I'll have my blakberry till november!! Can someone please exsplain to people like that, there is people starving in the world!!!!!!
2. break the phone entirely
3. Don't let her breed.
4. Never get her a phone again.
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