I have lived in third world countries multiple times. I held a baby while it had about an hour to live. It was starving to death from kwashiorkor because corn, rice, and beans are NOT FOOD FOR HUMANS. I hope you vegans enjoy your satanic, anti-human religion. Your sociopathic, abusive, emotional spasms are the only reward you will ever get for your efforts. Enjoy your delusion.
I was agreeing with you, bacon is king of the Saturday sandwich, and in general just disgusted with moral vegans. Ignorant and insulated. They should travel more, except when they do, I have watched dozens of times where they complain in the face of hungry people while visiting other countries that the food isn't moral. It's truly disgusting.
This makes me sad. Because of what I believe, people make me feel stupid. I don't believe in taking something else's innocent life. Yeah yeah, spot the vegan.
The content and the people (besides you) have made me cry multiple times and I'm here for FUN and for intelligent conversations. Every time I try to voice an opinion I get shut down and/or down voted to oblivion.
It happens to all of us who voice an opinion.
My conservative pro-America viewpoints have gotten me down-voted to oblivion and ridiculed dozens of times, but I don't cry about it.
Bluekitty1013, the people of the Internet are faceless individuals who have no power over you. If you get offended by people you will never meet face to face, how do you respond to people you see everyday when they give you negative comments?
You say you're here for FUN but you cry when people disagree with you and say stupid shit? I understand that people are rude and mean for no reason, but when they're making a joke like "vegan jokes" and you take that seriously, that's on you. Fuck/ignore the trolls and haters, and either learn to laugh with the ones making actual jokes or get sad and leave. It's up to you. If you can't tell the difference then why even take them seriously?
I eat neither sheep (just don't have any foods that require it) nor have i eaten fish (don't like the taste) so obviously some numbers are misplaced. ...
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
I've eaten much more than 11 cows, but I have not touched a piece of a single turkey in my life.
Was just thinking that there are a lot of people who hardly eat (Africa ring a bell?), so really, I don't think most people eat that many animals. The stats are misleading here.
What I always think about, is that if we weren't eating the animals, wouldn't the world be way over capacitated with them? Otherwise, wouldn't we also have lots of animal corpses and bones just laying around? Just sayin. If we didn't eat them, we would have to control their populations anyways. And then we wouldn't even be putting them to use, it'd just be slaughter to control population without any other use.
we raise them to be eaten, not to watch them, they are not wild animals, they are grown for eating. If we don't do that they will become extinct. They will die anyway like all of us. They don't need pity. If you don't eat meat, don't eat meat but accept that others do.
Because some people believe it's wrong or their religion is against it, or the most common reason is so they can be total dicks in public and get a high horse attitude while nagging every meat eater in existence.
My conservative pro-America viewpoints have gotten me down-voted to oblivion and ridiculed dozens of times, but I don't cry about it.
Us Inuit people will just eat our fish, walrus, and narwhal all by ourselves, thank you very much.