Um, except it's a plastic bag not a balloon so when he pokes a hole in it, it will just be a small hole. That will let the water out and also reduce the surface space of the bag causing it to sink. Of course since there is nothing pushing water back into the bag the bag will collapse around the fish as it sinks restricting movement and suffocating the fish. I always thought they should rub up against the pier and rip the bags open. With a big enough tear they'll be able to escape but if they don't tear it enough they'll end up dying just like in the first scenario.
You both get a thumb up because a) both is good and b) i'd concur with even wilder options, whatever necessary for a happy ending. Really loved those fish, I did.
he wouldn't be able to pop the bag because the mass in the bag stays the same. puffer fish sucks in water or air in order to inflate but since he's in the bag he'd only be able to inflate up to the point where he stabs the bag not burst it. if it was a balloon the wouldn't be a problem since it would shrink back to it's normal size but since it's plastic it won't pop.
yea, yea, we got all the science. can i please, for one minute, enjoy the idea of a happy ending, thank you. :P
· 9 years ago
If you watch the puffer fish during this scene, he actually does puff up. Instead of poking holes in the bag, the bag gets bigger. Defying logic and physics, I know, but I think Pixar just wanted the adults who watch the movie to have that subconscious feeling of dread that these fish will never be free and slowly die in their plastic prisons.
Every thought about writing a book, btw?
"Hello, 911, what is your emergency?"