Wow. Still not one of your comments weakened my believe in God. Some of you really need to work on your parlance and get less condescending.
@iamtheshinyone HOW DARE you say something like that?
Didn't anyone here learn how to get along with people?
How is it that YOU know the truth?
I've played the violin since I was 4, taking vocal lessons since 5 years and worked my ass of to get into the conservatoire. Now that I finally got into the conservatoire working hasn't stopped and "on the side" I decided to study History and Romance philology too and I'm doing well. Besides my studies I'm also working part-time at the opera. I'm not lazy, quite the opposite I dare say. Still the thing that got and keeps me going is my talent that was given to me by God.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
You can call what it is you have a gift from God if you want, go ahead. But don't say it to others. Their are people being slaughtered,starved, raped, enslaved and pillaged and you think some magical man in the sky is there because he decided you can play violin? Get your priorities straight.
You know what? I'm gonna stop saying this to others as soon as you stop saying there is no God, alright? Neither you are necessarily right, nor I am.
That you now come telling me about all the slaughtered that's just inappropriate, a completely different topic and besides the point in this case.
I can live with people that don't believe in God, but I can't stand rude and ignorant people like you.
And by the way, it's "there", not "their". Get your grammar straight.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
English is not my first language, I guess God didn't give me the gift of speech. And calling me rude? That is the pot calling the kettle, black.
It isn't my first language either, but I try to learn the ground rules of every language I learn.
YES, I'm calling you rude, very rude actually. You did nothing but insult me from your first comment on. What did you expect? That I would kneel before you and say "I'm sorry"? Of course I was going to defend myself and "return the favor". At least I tried to put it into a bit more elegant phrasing.
Oh my, that's quite a discussion here. How about we agree on the fact that some people are indeed more talented than others, and that it's "given" to them by genetics? I think that's sensible, God may be an explanation to you but to us atheists/agnostics it simply derives from a moderate knowledge of biology.
Besides, talent usually plays a very small role in this. It just helps you discover what you're good at, and then it's all practice.
· 9 years ago
Why can't we all just hug and believe what we want to believe in?
That's what I was trying to do, bruh!
I was trying to get them to agree on something. Agreeing on one common thing is better than pretending the problem doesn't exist.
Still, I like hugs. *hug*
I think that's something we cannot agree on, I'm terribly sorry. To be honest, I don't want to continue this, as I can't be convinced to stop believing that talent is a gift given by God and you can't be convinced to believe my point of view. I could drag this discussion on for another couple of hours, but we surely wouldn't reach a common thread.
So, let's agree to disagree?
Operaticmezzo, your grammar isn't exactly the best either. It's understandable when you consider that english isn't your first language but in some places your grammar is far below par. Iamtheshinyone made several mistakes but I only found one that was something other than a mispelling caused by rushing. So, your grammar is actually worse than his operaticmezzo.
· 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
I'm weighing the options of saying that a Christian should turn the other cheek instead of insulting someone back.
Yeah guys, let's stop arguing. Faith is a great thing, it keeps people in check. Lots of people believe that if they behave badly, they'll go to hell. The divine reward gives them motivation. The rest of us just need to find our own motivation not to be an ass. Like, maybe conscience or causality, or something.
@tarkusswagger how about you shut up? I never claimed my grammar was better than his. If you've got something interesting to say about the main topic here, then please - go on. Otherwise, shut up.
So this is what funsubstance has come to. A place to insult and hurt each other. I used to see funny posts on here. Now it has come to this. Wow. I'm so proud.
Thanks and bye.
@operaticmezzo I'm sorry if what I said was seen as rude, but I only said it because it was true and you snapped at Iamtheshinyone for his grammar while talking about how you at least learn the ground rules of any language you are learning.
Seriously tho, if someone says God or whoever gave you a gift or a talent, that's all fine. People are born better at things than most other people are. They have something they were born with. However, failing to recognise that someone's succes at something is based 99% on their hard work, sweat and tears, that's just ignorant. Not even Mozart would be a magic boy if his daddy dearest didn't make him take piano lessons when he was still in the damn crib.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
OR, you can say "thanks" and leave it at that. No need to be a dick about it.
Still, it would be nice to receive congratulations which recognize the amount of effort you put into something instead of attributing it to luck, God, or something else you don't have to work for.
· 9 years ago
I can totally understand that. I am a believer, but it makes sense to feel insulted for something you don't believe in to get the credit. Nonetheless, the mature thing to do is swallow your pride and let the offense go.
Those comments though. If its given as a compliment, just take it. I'd understand to some point about some offense, but its meant in the Christian world to be a big compliment, so accept it.
"You have been blessed by God with the gift-
@iamtheshinyone HOW DARE you say something like that?
Didn't anyone here learn how to get along with people?
I've played the violin since I was 4, taking vocal lessons since 5 years and worked my ass of to get into the conservatoire. Now that I finally got into the conservatoire working hasn't stopped and "on the side" I decided to study History and Romance philology too and I'm doing well. Besides my studies I'm also working part-time at the opera. I'm not lazy, quite the opposite I dare say. Still the thing that got and keeps me going is my talent that was given to me by God.
That you now come telling me about all the slaughtered that's just inappropriate, a completely different topic and besides the point in this case.
I can live with people that don't believe in God, but I can't stand rude and ignorant people like you.
And by the way, it's "there", not "their". Get your grammar straight.
YES, I'm calling you rude, very rude actually. You did nothing but insult me from your first comment on. What did you expect? That I would kneel before you and say "I'm sorry"? Of course I was going to defend myself and "return the favor". At least I tried to put it into a bit more elegant phrasing.
Besides, talent usually plays a very small role in this. It just helps you discover what you're good at, and then it's all practice.
Why can't we all just hug and believe what we want to believe in?
I was trying to get them to agree on something. Agreeing on one common thing is better than pretending the problem doesn't exist.
Still, I like hugs. *hug*
So, let's agree to disagree?
So this is what funsubstance has come to. A place to insult and hurt each other. I used to see funny posts on here. Now it has come to this. Wow. I'm so proud.
Thanks and bye.