"Maybe you even danced with yourself alone in your room..." That whole paragraph.
Woah, that one tripped me and I just hit the ground of truth, hard.
So true, it hurts.
Have any of you wondered if someone on fun substance is actually your soulmate, but you just don't know it yet because you talk through a computer screen?
· 9 years ago
All the time
· 9 years ago
wait what are the ships on funsubstance again because they are soulmates. all of them.
From an opposite view point. Not everyone needs love (At least not love from another). Love yourself and dont worry about finding -the one- or anyone for that mater. It will happen when it happens and in the mean time, just enjoy life as best you can.
i like that. It will happen when it happens. Its just sometimes hard to keep that in mind when every one around you boasts about how wonderful it is to be in love and how happy they are while you wonder why you cant find it.
That's your opinion, not fact. I, and many others are saying how much this helps, how relatable this is, and how hard it hits them when they realize the truth of the words. It's a surprisingly commonplace experience, and in my opinion, which may also be false, they do know, and it's not just beautiful language. I believe it is more. Just my opinion, and my broadcast if other's words. If you look at the other comments, you can see what people have said, and how many people agree with them. Thanks for reading this far, and thanks for understanding.
It describes several different but related experiences, and says 'maybe this happened to you', and all the experiences, as you can see in the comments, are very common and extremely relatable. Humans are an extremely social species, and so the poster probably had conferred with several people over their lifetime about these things, and of course had looked into media such as movies, TV and literature to give him or herself more verification that their idea was true.
This isn't about being a 20 year old single. This is about never having a boyfriend or girlfriend...ever. Never being kissed or taken on a date. THAT is what this is about. Not some girl who is said because she's 20 and single at the time
Woah, that one tripped me and I just hit the ground of truth, hard.
So true, it hurts.
I'm not sure what I'm feeling right now but I don't know if I dislike it.