You self-worshipping, self-brainwashed asshole! Do you know how powerful the phrase "child abuse" is, you bleeding cunt?? It means that children are removed forever from their loving home, in this case for no reason but that you, an outsider with no experience, don't like how that family does things. You goddamn fascist do you you know the damage you can do to home after home with your fucking superiority complex? You need to go to college and study human cellular biology, endocrine function, and the maladies affecting it, and to get a phd in child medicine, and you need a doctorate in child psychology and family counseling, before you can declare child abuse, fucking self-appointed secret police toady
Hey another Pulitzer winning doctorate! So how many homes have you observed, and for how long, to know exactly what they eat? Oh my crap your response has the intelligence of a goat lover. Go drink yer daddy's hot milk, ya little venerial disease
Do you think obesity is healthy? Do you think genetic obesity is common? Both of the answers are, "no,". Guess what. Most obesity is caused by a mixture of overeating and the lack of exercise. VERY FEW people 'cannot lose weight due to genetics' and anyone who claims so, without being diagnosed, is simply lazy and disheartened due to the lack of INSTANT results. If you put in actual work, with NO cheat days, you will become healthy. Unfortunately, many people decide to bitch on the internet about how hard their lives are instead of fucking fixing their lives. One such example is you, guest. You throw around baseless insults without even u derstanding that people like you, who blindly support obesity, simply encourage this disease.
Gee. I am so burned. Ooch. You sound like a fucking Nazi, and you're very good at hating and marginalizing a group of people you refuse to understand because they don't make you happy. Maybe you want to kill little fat kids or have them ripped from their mothers' arms you murdering Nazi fuck. I'm still waiting for something to back up your little acorn. You don't mind sticking fat people in concentration camps because you think food is actually a morality issue. So appearances are your god. Who gives a shit about the value if a person as long as they look like a porn queen, right? But the fact is that one in five people in this country suffer from Cushing's syndrome. This happens when a polycnidal cyst forms on the pituitary gland because the two halves of the body leave gaps in the fissure of our bisymmetry. Enjoy being old and fat one day. You cannot escape.
Guest is honestly probably 200 pounds overweight. Maybe if you diet the fat in your brain will recede and you'll understand that I don't want to kill fat people, I just want them to stop being fat. If you hadn't heard, you can lose weight by not overeating and by working out.
What we need to realize is that there is a difference between bullying and making people healthy. Calling a fat person a name, taunting them, teasing a child-is child abuse, and does not help. Helping people make healthy choices, education, serving fresh and good tasting food/unprocessed, teaching health care processionals/educators about food-that is how you make a difference. People can become healthy without ruining their self esteem.
Yes, but the first step to fixing a problem is recognizing the problem. If it takes a tank shooting a confetti bomb in their face with the words "YOU'RE FAT, FIX IT" embossed on the front, so be it. I'm gonna do it. Then once they get over their terror of realizing they're not the beautiful butterfly they are, I'm gonna help them at the very least get away from the caterpillar stage.
· 9 years ago
Listen. You can be attracted to large people. If someone has a bit if weight, it's fine. But it cannot go to the degree to which people are essentially killing themselves because you said that it's fine and that it makes them look better. Obesity is NOT a joke.
You must be a medical doctor, what with all the documented case studies you offer. I understand. The stork glued an acorn on you instead of a banana. You're just in a permanent petite bad mood.
I am a fat person and i know i am unhealthy. And im in the process of getting healthy. But its hard to want to go to the gym and workout classes when you feel like the world hates you. Because I see people bashing fat people, i feel that I should just kill myself so they world will be happy, because people hate people like me. To prevent kids from feeling like i do, we need body acceptance for all body types. If i felt like others didnt think my body disgusting, i would fell more comfortable going to the gym and asking for a healthy food at resturants. What the funsub community doesnt understand is by ignorantly posting fat bashing post, you are telling fat people that they are unworthy. I wonder if you forget that FAT PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE with emotions and are much more than the fat they have accumalated. Please stop posting these. We all come here to have fun, and not to not feel hated.
· 9 years ago
Nonono. We aren't saying that you're bad in any way. Everyone deserves the same rights, it's true. And good for you, for making yourself healthier! People accept those who are fat, but obesity is a eating disorder, and like anorexia or bullmia, the people being affected do need help. We aren't bashing fat people. We're bashing the obese, those who are actually killing themselves with their eating habits. From what I've read, I seriously doubt you're obese, as you're working out and going to the gym. And people don't hate you! Not at all! And there's really no need for you to feel uncomfortable about buying healthy food or going to the gym. The reason they exist is to make and keep people healthy. We don't mean to say you are unworthy. This is posted because you ARE worthy. And we're trying to help you. To save you. We don't, and have never meant any harm.
Musiqchild why do you think you owe these people anything? Why in the hell do you give in to a society that hates seeing you because they refuse to look at anything that doesn't remind them of something sexually appetizing? Stop being a slave to these shit-tossing chimpanzees who won't rest until you make THEM happy!!
· 9 years ago
Guest, I get whT you mean, but it's not that simple. If you feel like everyone around you hates you, it's very hard to ignore the feeling. Also, psychologically speaking, humans are coded to self hate when their fellow humans all hate them. So it's not as simple as 'stop being a slave!' But the thing is that they DON'T think of you that way. And also, people are fine with people with large bodies. This is just to help and remind those with obesity and possibly diabetes to help themselves before it's too late, because we want to SAVE them. Please refer to my previous comment, and remember that people don't hate you. If they do, then they have no reason to. Stay strong.
I'll be the first to admit that I am fat. I'm not proud of it, I am not going to say I love my "curves".
I know I'm un-healthy. I've tried a lot of things and never been able to stick to it.
I think the real argument here is not justifying un-healthiness, just justifying why fat shaming is okay. When a person who is fully aware that they are over weight and someone shames them, they feel like they are not considered human. They feel as if they are an object without recognition. It's almost similar (but not as horrible) as when the Nazi's created propaganda against Jews: They put out posters of people with big noses and curly unkempt hair. These people became in-human, objects. This made it easier to justify their suffering and torture, because they weren't human.
All I am asking is don't take my humanity from me. I am human, and just as everyone struggles with something, I struggle with my size. Motivate me to be better, don't put me down. It makes a difference :)
Yea of course. If you are not delusional there's no point of being harsh to you because you understand your situation. It's those who cannot see the truth that need help.
· 9 years ago
Well, we aren't trying to shame you. We're trying to help those who haven't realized. We're trying to motivate, and I personally apologise in place of those who may have shamed you because of your weight.
saying being fat is okay is the same as saying having a stroke is okay or doing drugs is okay or cutting is okay. it's self abuse and telling kids it's okay is child abuse and there's no way around it. THANK YOU
I know this is 3 months ago but it unfortunately is still a huge ongoing thing.
The fat acceptance movement I mean .
It is Murder , it is also Child Abuse , it is also dellusional and completey against any type of self improvement or reaching ones potential .
Fat acceptance is nothing but an excuse to not try .
Fat acceptance is a reason to feel good about giving up .
My entire life I have always tried to be the best me I can and was inspired by others who did the same.
Where is the inspiration in settling for a low standards and giving up ???
100% agree
Fat people can be as fat and unhealthy as they like but it won't want to EVER effect me
Secondly stop lieing and telling others that it's a good thing , especially children . Be honest and say NOBODY WOULD EVER WANT THIS .
Encourage kids to not be fat , show them that your way was wrong
For a better world this needs to happen
First of all, heavy is a vague term which only refers to someone's weight. I'm only pointing this out because there are bodybuilders that weigh a large amount in comparison to an average person, so, they would also be classified as "heavy". Two more accurate terms to describe the people we are talking about would be "fat" or "obese"
Secondly, it is perfectly reasonable to have preferences concerning a potential partner's physical characteristics. Especially when it's something like obesity which significantly increases their risk for a variety of different health conditions and shortens their lifespan by quite a bit. Also, obesity is unhealthy and obvious, which means that you can't really blame people for noticing it and not being attracted to obese individuals.
We should NOT tell fat people that they are beautiful or that they are perfectly normal. Obesity is a disease and should not be treated as beautiful and encouraged otherwise there will be more dangerously obese people, and more premature deaths. You can be attracted to whatever you want, but that doesn't mean obesity is healthy in anyway and we should NOT BE TELLING KIDS THAT IT IS OK TO BE OBESE .
Awwww, a cute little Nazi! How do you like the taste of inferior babies, ya self righteous Hitler?? Gay sex is legal to teach to five year olds in public school-that's lovely! Government pedophiles get care of all the babies! But you're only worried about how fat people don't look like porn stars! Wow what an American hero!
You're retarded guest #3.
Listen. There are so many people telling obese people that it is OK to be obese, thus allowing the sickness to continue and exist. If those fat people were told that they were unhealthy rather than if they were told they were beautiful and perfect, more fat people would FIX THEMSELVES rather than posting on the internet about how they are so proud of their fat and dying at the age of 30 from some diabetes related ailment. We need to fix this disease (if you're not a lazy fuck, it is easy to fix) rather than encouraging it. If you are fat, stop being delusional and understand that YOU'RE KILLING YOURSELF.
Well anyone can work their way to HIV or lung cancer or cirrhosis, but drunken promescuity is encouraged in our culture, so that's okay. Buttseks is held in higher esteem than obesity in this society. People feel sorry for folks with HIV and treat them like victims of a heinous crime, but really you get HIV from waaay worse shit than hamburgers. It's nice to know that you think of yourself as caretaker of society though. I'm glad everyone someday will to bow to people like you. Maybe you can rewrite the US constitution so that mob rule is law. You'll love it when highschoolers walk around in roving gangs roundung up the elderly and general undesirables because they think everyone but them is a drain on society.
You can be born with HIV, but you can't be born with obesity, unless your mom was morbidly obese. Even so, obesity is perfectly treatable, while HIV treatments are still in development (We have found a way to cure the symptoms, but not to kill the virus, and it's pretty harsh).
Also, someone seems highly defensive of this subject, with a sequence of berating factual people with bullshit and diverting the argument to HIV. Do you have a personal connection to this, guest above?
But far people know the disease they can face and what not so they're aware of it all. It's their choice if they want to work out and stay healthy. Like let's be honest here you don't give a damn about their life, how is their living or dying affecting you guys? If they want to be fat let them be they are aware of the danger, it's their life. I know you say you're looking out for them but in the end it's up to them and keeping on telling them they're fat will lead to depression or some related disorder. So let's just all mind our own business. -CoolGuest
All of these oh so perfect people should ask themselves this: are they really concerned with saving an overweight person? Or deep down, do they just get off on making someone feel crappy about themselves? Most of the "help" comes off being a bit too condescending, I mean few enjoy it when Christians try to save people by talking about Jesus atoning for their sins and saving them from hell.
If people are really interested in helping people, when was the last time anyone gave to charity? Or donated their time to a soup kitchen? I doubt if any one even bothers to recycle.
So pardon me if I don't buy it. Be nice to blacks. Be nice to homosexuals. Be nice to transgender people. But whatever you do, don't be nice to fat people. Look up the word hypocrite. Or better yet, if you think stopping what one normally eats is easy? Try giving up your cell phone, your pot, your beer, or sex. Do that for a while, then tell me how "perfect" you are.
· 9 years ago
It's not about not being nice to fat people. It's about helping those who are in too deep. Obesity and diabetes are problems that I wouldn't want anyone to have. And we all know what it's like to stop eating something you're used to eating. But we've all done it before. I doubt any of us still eat baby food. And I do give up stuff sometimes, just because I feel like I'm too attached. Not drugs, sex or alcohol, because I consume none of those things, but I will say goodbye to certain foods, and to my electronics, and so on. It's not easy, but it's possible. I don't speak for all of us, as some people are taking this a bit far, but we are NOT trying to harm them. Don't compare us to Christians trying to save people, compare us to doctors in rehabilitation clinics. And lots of people help society in other ways! Just because we don't brag about it constantly on every post doesn't mean that we don't volunteer or donate. We are trying to help, not to harm.
But your attitude, while the right one, is not the norm. Most people in the western world only see obese people as an object to pin an abstract need to abuse others. The obese are the new poor blacks. What people hated so much about blacks a century ago was the cultural results of abject poverty, but they blamed on the genes of the black race, when the problem was simply socio-economic. Most people's bodies CANNOT HANDLE industrialized diet, or they have common physiological deficits that are exacerbated by industrialized food. However try and buy organic three meals a day. The affordable food is a slow-poison. But the everyday schmuck only sees a fat f$ck to hate with all their might. Fat people are the new n!gger. They often need specialist medical treatment for endocrine problems due to environment; but public school indoctrination has taught the youth literally to persecute the obese when the reality is much more complicated, and the obese are not aware of the factors involved.
Well, señor expert, why do you not bless us with your vast experience and lifetime of learning? Or did you get your entire education from bumper stickers and ebaumsworld? Because sustained coherent debate seems to mean to you that one single slam-dunk snarkism is worth more than all the combined lucid reasoning of the human race since its inception. Turdling.
· 9 years ago
Well, it's been a while since I've debated (peacefully) with someone of your coherence and experience. I have to say that while I feel you are making mountains out of molehills just a slight bit, I do understand and agree with your argument to a certain degree. But I was referring to our FS community, of whom I expect to not be the people you have described.
How dare you compare fat people to issues like race and sexual preference .
Secondly I petsonally have a very addictive personality and like you put " try giving up pot , alcohol "
Yep done that
Not to mention eating the wrong things , yep gave that up to
Harder drugs as well , gave it all up
You know how ?
Self control , self discipline and self respect !!!!!
Don’t fool yourself: you’re concerned about my fat and that I’m not attractive to you, not about my health. Otherwise, why aren’t you out there reminding me to get an annual physical, get blood-work done, go to the gynecologist? So how do I respond? It’s like arguing about abortion. “People deeply, truly believe in the justness of their cause…They believe it so deeply that they can’t hear any other point of view. They can’t have a rational discussion about it.” But I won’t fool myself into thinking I’m going to change a fat shamer’s mind.
· 9 years ago
I'd do all that if I actually knew you. But I don't. I'm just here on the internet, so this is all I can do. And I don't care how you look. If you're unnatractive, I don't care. If you're fat, I'm not worrying. But if you're in need of help because of your eating problems, I WILL help. And we aren't shaming, because that doesn't help at all. Don't mistake our intentions.
Fat is not inherently unhealthy, and thin doesn’t automatically mean healthy--if it did, thin people wouldn’t diseases. While people have been getting fatter, they have also been getting taller and living longer. Height and weight are both 70-80% hereditary, and tallness, like fatness, is associated with risk factors for certain diseases, including cancer. Shortness carries a higher risk of stroke, along with other increased risks. There are so many correlations of weight with height and other inherited/genetic traits, early childhood nutrition, socioeconomic conditions, and other environmental factors. Fat people do no have the most severe risk factors for all possible ways you can group bodies. Fatness is not fixable, either. Study after study finds that long-term weight loss is almost impossible (3-5% sustain over 5 years). Scientists don’t know why thin people are not fat.
You’re not me, and you don’t know me. So I don’t know where anyone gets off telling me that I don’t love my body. My body does amazing things (hiking, dancing, art, to name a few). Why wouldn’t I love it? I eat healthy, work out, don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol or soda, and am considered obese based on BMI. Speaking of BMI, which doesn’t differentiate between lean tissue, fat tissue, or bone, the guidelines were changed in 1998 to lower the threshold for “overweight” and “obese.” So what actually constitutes obese?
I’m not arguing that I do not have increased risk factors for some diseases, but your “advice” doesn’t help fat people to be healthier (we know “eat less and exercise more”). Have you ever convinced someone to stop smoking because “smoking kills?” Didn’t think so. Stop pretending you care about someone’s risk of diabetes and ask yourself why you think fatness is bad and why there is a stigma about me existing. Telling me that I’m killing myself is not going to motivate me to do anything more about it than I already am. And if I am unhealthy, so what? Let me live my life because nobody asked you.
Okay but this is just some people's body types- the way they're built, so to speak- they can't help it. Yes some people eat to the point of close death and back because they're disgusting but others are perfectly healthy, just bulky like that.
Some peoples body types ??
What a load of crap . I worked with people of all different body types ( yes I am a trainer )
You know the only people who didn't get results with me ? The lazy ones who lied to themselves and me .
I have helped guys and girls lose 40- 50 kgs
How ??
Because they wanted to and they were willing to put the effort in and I supplied them with the tools needed.
I have also seen people i offered to train for FREE quit after ONE session !!
Why ? Coz they are lazy slobs and its all too hard for them .
Pathetic !!
Have a look at X-rays have a look at medical journals .
Big boned is a myth . Any other dellusional crap fat people spout about being different is a myth.
Yes there are medical reasons which legitimately cause weight gain .
This does not mean it's impossible to lose weight , it just makes it harder , that's all.
Fat acceptance is wrong
It is dellusional and highly dangerous !!
I know I'm un-healthy. I've tried a lot of things and never been able to stick to it.
I think the real argument here is not justifying un-healthiness, just justifying why fat shaming is okay. When a person who is fully aware that they are over weight and someone shames them, they feel like they are not considered human. They feel as if they are an object without recognition. It's almost similar (but not as horrible) as when the Nazi's created propaganda against Jews: They put out posters of people with big noses and curly unkempt hair. These people became in-human, objects. This made it easier to justify their suffering and torture, because they weren't human.
All I am asking is don't take my humanity from me. I am human, and just as everyone struggles with something, I struggle with my size. Motivate me to be better, don't put me down. It makes a difference :)
Gonna shoot tomorrow?
Yeah they've been misbehaving quite a bit.
The fat acceptance movement I mean .
It is Murder , it is also Child Abuse , it is also dellusional and completey against any type of self improvement or reaching ones potential .
Fat acceptance is nothing but an excuse to not try .
Fat acceptance is a reason to feel good about giving up .
My entire life I have always tried to be the best me I can and was inspired by others who did the same.
Where is the inspiration in settling for a low standards and giving up ???
Fat people can be as fat and unhealthy as they like but it won't want to EVER effect me
Secondly stop lieing and telling others that it's a good thing , especially children . Be honest and say NOBODY WOULD EVER WANT THIS .
Encourage kids to not be fat , show them that your way was wrong
For a better world this needs to happen
Nobody would truely want this
Secondly, it is perfectly reasonable to have preferences concerning a potential partner's physical characteristics. Especially when it's something like obesity which significantly increases their risk for a variety of different health conditions and shortens their lifespan by quite a bit. Also, obesity is unhealthy and obvious, which means that you can't really blame people for noticing it and not being attracted to obese individuals.
Guest two has my laughs
Listen. There are so many people telling obese people that it is OK to be obese, thus allowing the sickness to continue and exist. If those fat people were told that they were unhealthy rather than if they were told they were beautiful and perfect, more fat people would FIX THEMSELVES rather than posting on the internet about how they are so proud of their fat and dying at the age of 30 from some diabetes related ailment. We need to fix this disease (if you're not a lazy fuck, it is easy to fix) rather than encouraging it. If you are fat, stop being delusional and understand that YOU'RE KILLING YOURSELF.
Also, someone seems highly defensive of this subject, with a sequence of berating factual people with bullshit and diverting the argument to HIV. Do you have a personal connection to this, guest above?
If people are really interested in helping people, when was the last time anyone gave to charity? Or donated their time to a soup kitchen? I doubt if any one even bothers to recycle.
So pardon me if I don't buy it. Be nice to blacks. Be nice to homosexuals. Be nice to transgender people. But whatever you do, don't be nice to fat people. Look up the word hypocrite. Or better yet, if you think stopping what one normally eats is easy? Try giving up your cell phone, your pot, your beer, or sex. Do that for a while, then tell me how "perfect" you are.
This is still in the top 10 though.
Secondly I petsonally have a very addictive personality and like you put " try giving up pot , alcohol "
Yep done that
Not to mention eating the wrong things , yep gave that up to
Harder drugs as well , gave it all up
You know how ?
Self control , self discipline and self respect !!!!!
Why would others respect ?
There is your answer
You've got a point there. Sorry to waste your time, fellow -chu, you're right.
What a load of crap . I worked with people of all different body types ( yes I am a trainer )
You know the only people who didn't get results with me ? The lazy ones who lied to themselves and me .
I have helped guys and girls lose 40- 50 kgs
How ??
Because they wanted to and they were willing to put the effort in and I supplied them with the tools needed.
I have also seen people i offered to train for FREE quit after ONE session !!
Why ? Coz they are lazy slobs and its all too hard for them .
Pathetic !!
Have a look at X-rays have a look at medical journals .
Big boned is a myth . Any other dellusional crap fat people spout about being different is a myth.
Yes there are medical reasons which legitimately cause weight gain .
This does not mean it's impossible to lose weight , it just makes it harder , that's all.
Fat acceptance is wrong
It is dellusional and highly dangerous !!