The silver lining... the consolation in this, if there is one to be had, is in the future there will be no regret for not having taken the shot.
Always look on the bright side of life...
do, do-do, do-do do-do do-do.
What if a guy gave them to a girl but the girl is embarrassed that he likes her so as she walked away she threw them out without him knowing. Still sad but it also pisses me off.
I think a waste of flowers who ever did it should have given them out to anyone random flowers would have been a nice thing :) another guy could have brought them home to someone they love even
You people sicken me, why, in this day and age, where we are open about our sexuality, where two people of the same gender can marry each other, why do are you still discriminatory towards me for having a relationship with a bin. I love it, and none of you can separate us.
· 9 years ago
I was about to get pissed... Then I finished reading. Bravo to you.
Always look on the bright side of life...
do, do-do, do-do do-do do-do.