Many people would much rather discuss Kim Kardashian's new outfit or cat videos than a controversial topic, because a controversial topic makes you think, and these people, who are sadly the majority, don't like to think.
You can notice it on this very post as well. People are commenting "Ermagerd it's Mehrzia!!!1!!!" rather than discussing the actual topic. Thinking is what they do rarely, or not at all.
So you are telling me that just because I am a fan of something, I don't "like" to think?! You don't know me, and I am sure you are a fan of something as well, but doesn't that make you one of those who don't like to think? Oh I'm sorry, but I can tell you I am a 15 year old girl who happen to have almost perfect grades and then you come here to tell ME that I DON'T LIKE TO THINK! How do you know that because I wrote "Marzia". That does NOT allow you to call a person something, especially when you can not know anything about this person! PLEASE understand this!! Maybe I do care about stuff, maybe I just didn't know what to write because my English isn't as perfect as an American or British, maybe I CAN'T write what I want because I am scared I misunderstood everything, and I am SORRY that I wrote "Marzia <3" to make you think that fan girls don't LIKE to think, because now I feel sorry for those who will never see this post, but who YOU called out to be stupid ignorant people.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Oh. Shit. Dude just got spit roasted by this girl, she shoved her dildo all the way up this dudes ass and fucked him up real good, damn.
I love how people assume I'm a dude AND a native speaker. Logical and critical thinking = being a dude? K...
A) The thing is, one should always think about things. Thinking makes everything beautiful, but sometimes sad as well, because you see the painful truth. I'm not calling anyone ignorant, not at all. Not thinking about things is just the easiest way to go, but the most unrewarding one as well. "Not liking to think" =/= being stupid. It just means you like to choose the easiest way.
B) Grades =/= knowledge or intelligence. Bragging about them like that, and dragging them into this conversation at all, has the exactly opposite effect than you intended.
C) "Roasted", "fucked up"? Haha, nice try. Writing a rant about a misinterpretation of a comment is "roasting" now? Good to know, I suppose.
So yes, in conclusion, you did misunderstand. I never called anyone stupid or ignorant. But that's okay. Misunderstandings happen.
>posts an opinion based post
>people express opinions
>"stop it this is supposed to be fun"
PS: I literally just wrote "it's okay, misunderstandings happen" which means "argument" over, begin discussion (optional)
PPS: who says this isn't fun?
Yes, you all agree with me that fucking dirty niggers suck. They are the vain of society. Go kill and fuck yourself if your a stupid ape shit nigger. Go back to your nigger family in Africa. Nigger
Of course you people are the biggest hypocrites. Once I "express" my "opinion", they're all invalid. So what if I dislike niggers and want world wide segregation?
Support of free speech =/= agreement. I support free speech and I think people should be able to say whatever they want, as long as they're able to deal with the disagreement of other people.
In other words, say whatever you want, but don't get offended when another person says that what you say is BS, because it is also their right to say whatever they want.
Oh no, I could careless whether you minorities agree with me. Those apes ruin neighborhoods, loud, lowly educated, violent and rape culture, terrible fashion, and think they are entitled over everyone. People would want me banned and oppressed for the views I have. The world would be much more better segregated and that's my opinion. You fuckers would have me out right shut off because it's "hateful" or "offensive". Just the hypocrite side of you people
>I'm actually white and I disagree with you, but I wouldn't have you shut off unless your extreme views proved to be a serious mental illness, in which case you'd need professional help. But I think you're just an ass, and nobody is going to want to ban you, we just don't agree with you. It's simple as that.
Nobody? Don't make me laugh, this site is filled with liberals and many get offended for slightest thing. Half the members here see having their "feelings" hurt worthy of a ban
That's actually not a bad point. I think you're right in that. Too many pissy people from tumblr. That's why I prefer FJ although I hang out here too sometimes cause FJ's full of reposts.
And if you're wondering on my viewpoints on this matter, I don't honestly care. People are different and, more so than not, are inflexible. If they are bent on believing in a certain way, then they will remain so. No point in disagreeing or agreeing since, in my humble opinion, everything is a damn paradox in and of itself. No point in trying to draw lines and making what is "more acceptable" or "less acceptable"; either way, no one is wrong nor is anyone right. We conjur up these boundaries for us to simplify the world to our understanding even though we, as people, society, and a civilization, don't even know where the boundaries are - or even know it exists.
Frankly, just believe and think however you deem suitable.
I personally don't think it's pointless, it sharpens your coercion and persuasion skills, and even if you slightly shake someone's "inflexible" point of view, you've improved. Debating is a good thing, and since we're all in anonymity here on the internet, we can touch even controversial topics on which we might have extreme opinions, and it's perfectly fine as long as we're able to defend them with the right arguments. I think arguing on the internet is actually quite useful since we're
a) not hurting anyone (unless you count all the people who feel personally attacked when you say you disagree with them, but these belong on tumblr),
b) able to see other people's point of view without any "masks" or social boundaries.
Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is a perfect example of bad debating. If new comments bother you so much, there is always the "unfollow comments" button. I would also suggest you seek some anger management classes.
PS: Yes, I did reply a tad late, but that's because I've been away for some time. If you have a serious issue with that, there is still that button I referred to. And the classes.
Fs never used to be a place where people felt obligated to post their shit... whoops I mean opinions... every time a controversial joke meant for the purpose of FUN was posted.
That's because everybody here gets offended by everything and instead of focusing on the opinion itself they start insulting the person who posted it. Now the bunch of kids is starting to grow up and realize that it's not a good solution to a problem.
That still doesn't tell me why you care about what others are saying to the point that you tell them to shut up.
· 9 years ago
I don't I haven't read one single thing further than my earliest reply. Yall needa shut the fuck up and have FUN and if debating is fun for you go on filled with people like you.
Oh, now I see how it is. At first I thought you had something against our opinions which are controversial but now I see you're against debating and having opinions in general. Now, I'd be eloquent about this, but I honestly see no other way of saying this. You, sir, are a simpleton. If debating and discussing things is not fun for you, because it's an activity in which you must use your brain, then you are a simpleton, and are exactly the case I pointed out in the first place. You, and many others here, just don't want to use your brains, and instead just want to float through life. It's not stupidity, it's just not seeing the importance of thinking and the potential of one's brain. Never have I ever seen the truth of the sayings "ignorance is bliss" and "painful truth" more than now. Many people just want to get out of it the easiest way possible and it frustrates me. Your lifestyle is none of my concern, of course, but I also don't like being attacked for my willingness to debate.
· 9 years ago
I don't like debating ON THIS SITE. I fuckin won best speaker awards for debating in my school for heavens sake. I suggested a site that is PURELY for debating, visit that instead of debating on FUNSUBSTANCE. Please get that damn stick outta your ass.
>Debating is actually fun
I'm not breaking the definition.
I also like how you end your comment with a meaningless unrelated insult. I'm surprised you were able to win anything at all.
"This wasn't fun. I don't see the fun. "
Then why are you doing it?
"I don't like debating ON THIS SITE."
You don't have to. What do you have against other people doing it?
"I'm surprised you were able to win anything at all."
>implying his oddly convenient awards are real
@garlog I didn't expect he'd have the mental capacity to make something like that up, which is why I reacted as if it was true. Besides he conveniently wrote that it was at his school without specifying which school. Might have just been some village elementary. But yes, he might have made it up as well.
@durell479 I wrote this once and I'm going to write it again: debating is fun. Maybe not for you, but you still act as if everyone disliked debating as much as you do. How can you be so sure of that?
· 9 years ago
-I'm not racist but....
You look lovely today
-That wasn't racist at all?
-I know, I said I wasn't racist, you never listen..
Typical Mexican.
I hate when I see a post like this and all that happens to it is that it becomes like a dump for annoying comments, mine included, and arguments that should never have been started.
>preface it to avoid general overreaction
>people think this is a stupid thing to do
You can notice it on this very post as well. People are commenting "Ermagerd it's Mehrzia!!!1!!!" rather than discussing the actual topic. Thinking is what they do rarely, or not at all.
Thank you, Marshmallow!!!! You just made my day.
A) The thing is, one should always think about things. Thinking makes everything beautiful, but sometimes sad as well, because you see the painful truth. I'm not calling anyone ignorant, not at all. Not thinking about things is just the easiest way to go, but the most unrewarding one as well. "Not liking to think" =/= being stupid. It just means you like to choose the easiest way.
B) Grades =/= knowledge or intelligence. Bragging about them like that, and dragging them into this conversation at all, has the exactly opposite effect than you intended.
C) "Roasted", "fucked up"? Haha, nice try. Writing a rant about a misinterpretation of a comment is "roasting" now? Good to know, I suppose.
So yes, in conclusion, you did misunderstand. I never called anyone stupid or ignorant. But that's okay. Misunderstandings happen.
>people express opinions
>"stop it this is supposed to be fun"
PS: I literally just wrote "it's okay, misunderstandings happen" which means "argument" over, begin discussion (optional)
PPS: who says this isn't fun?
In other words, say whatever you want, but don't get offended when another person says that what you say is BS, because it is also their right to say whatever they want.
>I'm actually white and I disagree with you, but I wouldn't have you shut off unless your extreme views proved to be a serious mental illness, in which case you'd need professional help. But I think you're just an ass, and nobody is going to want to ban you, we just don't agree with you. It's simple as that.
Frankly, just believe and think however you deem suitable.
a) not hurting anyone (unless you count all the people who feel personally attacked when you say you disagree with them, but these belong on tumblr),
b) able to see other people's point of view without any "masks" or social boundaries.
PS: Yes, I did reply a tad late, but that's because I've been away for some time. If you have a serious issue with that, there is still that button I referred to. And the classes.
All you've done in this string is make pointless comments. What do you care what other people are saying?
That still doesn't tell me why you care about what others are saying to the point that you tell them to shut up.
>Debating is actually fun
I'm not breaking the definition.
I also like how you end your comment with a meaningless unrelated insult. I'm surprised you were able to win anything at all.
"This wasn't fun. I don't see the fun. "
Then why are you doing it?
"I don't like debating ON THIS SITE."
You don't have to. What do you have against other people doing it?
"I'm surprised you were able to win anything at all."
>implying his oddly convenient awards are real
>implying your butt-blastedness isn't in the vast minority
>also still refusing to acknowledge that debate can be fun
What makes you think that?
"Please don't debate on FUNsubstance. "
Why not?
@durell479 I wrote this once and I'm going to write it again: debating is fun. Maybe not for you, but you still act as if everyone disliked debating as much as you do. How can you be so sure of that?
You look lovely today
-That wasn't racist at all?
-I know, I said I wasn't racist, you never listen..
Typical Mexican.
You can't edit a post after 10 minutes.