What if all the people who write about things that are almost exact in the future are actually just the doctors companions trying to warn the future generations
If time travel were possible, we would already see it happening, HOWEVER time travel into the future is possible.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
Lemme school yall. Reasons why TT won't work : It's im-freakin-possible to reverse time! And that "ripping through space and time" bull is all sci-fi jargen.
Well excuse me if I don't wanna be schooled by a battery
· 9 years ago
Not much of a schooling.
· 9 years ago
Firstly: *Jargon (couldn't help myself, tehee!)
Secondly: Time travel into the future is plausible as, if we're able to travel to one end of the universe and back faster than the speed of light, we will have aged slower than those on earth, thus allowing you to travel into the future.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
You would disintigrate.
· 9 years ago
True, but this would also require you to break the cosmic spotted limit, So its only possible in theory! :P
Guess what humanity hasn't been able to do? Break the laws of physics. You can break the laws of Man, but you'll be the one broken if you try to defy the physical laws.
Yes, this guy wrote the book. But then, years later, the President Taft used the book to cover up a United States military raid on the Titanic, via airship, to stop King Leopold II's scheme of vengeance against America for foiling his nefarious plans for the Belgian Congo, said scheme involving filling New York harbor with radioactive steam from the Titanic's boilers. Everyone killed when the Titanic was scuttled by American forces were actually enemy combatants, and all of the real passengers made it off the ship alive. It's all a conspiracy! Open your eyes, people!
They talked about this in the Titanic movie... Seriously, its at the part when Rose is at the Restaurant for breakfast, and the Texan lady starts to talk about a book named "The Titan", which is about a unsinkable ship who's maiden voyge is to cross the atlantic...
Actually, the book was very different from what actually happened.
In the book, one of the passengers fought off a polar bear and there's a lot more than just that that's different.
You are just drawing a bull-eye around a bunch of bullet holes. Say you go out and shoot on the side of the barn randomly and after you're done, you take red paint and make a target around the area with the most bullet holes.
Same with the Titan-Titanic comparison. You are just drawing a target where things are similar and not looking at the facts.
Still not convinced? Keep reading.
Say you are dating someone who is your age. The date starts add perfectly as you see that you have both dressed similarly. Surely that's a sign, right? You both want to see that action movie that Rotten Tomatoes has given 98%. As the date continues, you find out that you both like pizza and you hate rudabegas (sorry, don't know how to spell it) Continued below
You feel convinced this is your soul mate. Even more spectacular, is that both of your mother's were born on the exact same day! You were meant for each other!
Not necessarily.
First off, a lot of people dress the same way when going on a blind date. A LOT of people like action movies, and who wouldn't want to see one that Rotten Tonatoes has given 98%? EVERYONE likes pizza, and NO ONE likes rudabegas. And that same birthday thing? If you are the same age as your date, it makes sense that your mothers would be the same age, as well, so it's not unlikely that they would have the same birthday.
I rest my case. Please tell me if you believe me, I just hate hearing this kind of crap about precognition. It's just a bunch of targets around bullet holes.
*AoT music starts*
Secondly: Time travel into the future is plausible as, if we're able to travel to one end of the universe and back faster than the speed of light, we will have aged slower than those on earth, thus allowing you to travel into the future.
Actually, the book was very different from what actually happened.
In the book, one of the passengers fought off a polar bear and there's a lot more than just that that's different.
You are just drawing a bull-eye around a bunch of bullet holes. Say you go out and shoot on the side of the barn randomly and after you're done, you take red paint and make a target around the area with the most bullet holes.
Same with the Titan-Titanic comparison. You are just drawing a target where things are similar and not looking at the facts.
Still not convinced? Keep reading.
Say you are dating someone who is your age. The date starts add perfectly as you see that you have both dressed similarly. Surely that's a sign, right? You both want to see that action movie that Rotten Tomatoes has given 98%. As the date continues, you find out that you both like pizza and you hate rudabegas (sorry, don't know how to spell it) Continued below
Not necessarily.
First off, a lot of people dress the same way when going on a blind date. A LOT of people like action movies, and who wouldn't want to see one that Rotten Tonatoes has given 98%? EVERYONE likes pizza, and NO ONE likes rudabegas. And that same birthday thing? If you are the same age as your date, it makes sense that your mothers would be the same age, as well, so it's not unlikely that they would have the same birthday.
I rest my case. Please tell me if you believe me, I just hate hearing this kind of crap about precognition. It's just a bunch of targets around bullet holes.