I knew I didn't want children @ 25 and I'm now 58 and have NO regrets. But if one does change their mind later in life, that's okay too. I always thought thou that if I met a terrific man that would not only be a good father but a great daddy, I'd adopt.
Love women taking charge of their lives and of not wanting children (that's a choice too) You will NOT be less of a woman if u decide not to be a mother!
-a guy.
· 9 years ago
I can't have kids. I didn't want them, but being able to choose not to have kids and being told you can't have kids, is a total kick to the ovaries.
· 9 years ago
It's all fine and dandy, you don't HAVE to have kids. But when people start making a mockery of people who do have kids and call kids abomonations that's where it gets to me
-a guy.