there was another video I saw where the man had and experiment to see if he could abduct little kids at the playground
he brought a puppy up to them and asked if they wanted to see his other puppies. it was so terrifying
I saw this on Oprah. Man, van, lost pup and Mom's watching in the background. Only 1 child wouldn't go with him. The mother's were besides themselves. One even started crying.
See this is why I'm not comfortable giving out my personal info online. I was raised in the "stranger danger" era of the internet and I will never understand why anyone thinks they should put up their lives for anyone to see.
I don't understand how these girls didn't seem to comprehend how very real stranger danger is. I mean, they've probably heard and read about kidnappings quite a few times. So how come they're so trusting when it comes to the 'fifteen year old boy' they talked to for only four days? I'm seventeen and there's no way I'd trust an online stranger like that, even if I've talked to them for a year. Honestly, you never know who's the real person behind their online profile.
· 9 years ago
Even if I do decide too go met a stranger, I take some form of protection with me
Because I've made my house my own personal armory. My parents have no idea how many weapons I have around the house, starting with throwing spikes on my desk (I suck with those, they're just big wires I've clipped and shaped), a wakizashi under my desk, a shitton of stuff in my garage, airsoft guns in my room, always a knife on my person, kitchen (obviously), and other fun stuff that I'll remember when I need to.
· 9 years ago
Well if were talking professional black market type kidnappers then they won't pack lightly. They won't care about all this stuff. They'll just taze the shit out of you, literally.
I'm former state champion archer. I'm the fastest shooter in my club. I'm pretty sure I can get two kills before they spot and hit me. I ain't going down without a helluva fight.
· 9 years ago
And I'm supreme former UFC champ. I know 4 different ways to break anyone's arm, ribs and ankle. I can grow wings and sprout bear arms.
As can I. If I imagine hard enough. I don't think it's that hard to run away, grab a kitchen knife and throw some glass mugs on the ground behind you then run literally anywhere in your house
Aren't there less than a dozen true ninjas in this world now? There's only one ninja grandmaster IIRC, and he's not teaching anyone because he says the art of ninjutsu doesn't belong in the modern world.
The second one seemed kinda fake how she cried instantly
· 9 years ago
Its because we've allowed more free roam with our kids. there isn't as big as a pedophile and kidnap scare like there was in the 80's and 90's.they think their more capable of taking care of themselves due too the lack of warning from parents. Kids have way too much freedom now days unlike the old days.
dude what? no. not at all. kids used to walk to parts and shit with adults, now social services takes them away for that. people are afraid of everything and everyone because of the advancements in media allowing us to know every bad thing that happens everywhere the second it happens. kids have way less freedom to grow and explore and be independent than they did years and decades ago.
I agree with DeviledApple:
In my neighborhood parents are way too overprotective. My neighbor walks her kids to school, carries their backpacks and holds their hands all the way there. They are in the 5th grade and the school is less than two blocks away. My other neighbor drives her kid to school and waits by the school yard fence until the bell rings and her child is inside. My other neighbor let her kids bicycle to school but gave them a walky-talky to confirm their safe arrival. What these kids all have in common is that they don't know how to react when their mother isn't there. The 5th graders keep playing in the streets even though a car is coming their way, they don't even consider the thought of perhaps moving because their mother has always told them and held their hand. Kids these days have cellphones and have to check in with their parents every so often. They have no freedom, they haven't been thought to think for themselves.
The last one was creepy. Does anyone else think that it is a bad idea to traumatize your kids to give them the idea that everyone could be a murderer/rapist? All three of them will surely get trust issues. This 'experiment' is waaaaay too strange to serve its' actual purpose!
Last one is 14. I think that's plenty old enough to get traumatized and get the immediate shock of your actions. The other parents immediately yelled (with younger kids) so the first reaction is "oh I fucked up" in whatever terms their minds can make up in that moment. The 14 year old's first reaction was probably "oh shit I'm getting stealed away".
i think these viral-attempt videos are wildly irresponsible. society should not thrive on fear and mistrust, and the simple fact of life is most people are not out to get out you and these events are so much more rare than our instantly connected world and lifestyle leads us to believe. over sheltering is worse, and part of what makes it harder for children and even adults to recognize someone with ill intent.
But in any case...
Don't you think that children are a leeeeeedle bit too "trusting" and "free" when hooked into social media? They have very little discipline.
social media isnt really that popular of a way to get at kids, its gunna be someone close to them or the family in real life (teachers, uncles, babysitters) or a random ass kidnapping, right time right place scenario. much easier to grab someone than to spend this time grooming them via internet, and so many dangers for the aggressor since nabbing people via internet is popular for police and tv, and with social media i still think its less "scare them away from it" and more "pay attention" since everything on electronic can be recorded so easily, and simply scale back monitoring as you witness your child being responsible.
he brought a puppy up to them and asked if they wanted to see his other puppies. it was so terrifying
In my neighborhood parents are way too overprotective. My neighbor walks her kids to school, carries their backpacks and holds their hands all the way there. They are in the 5th grade and the school is less than two blocks away. My other neighbor drives her kid to school and waits by the school yard fence until the bell rings and her child is inside. My other neighbor let her kids bicycle to school but gave them a walky-talky to confirm their safe arrival. What these kids all have in common is that they don't know how to react when their mother isn't there. The 5th graders keep playing in the streets even though a car is coming their way, they don't even consider the thought of perhaps moving because their mother has always told them and held their hand. Kids these days have cellphones and have to check in with their parents every so often. They have no freedom, they haven't been thought to think for themselves.
Don't you think that children are a leeeeeedle bit too "trusting" and "free" when hooked into social media? They have very little discipline.