He means that you aren't getting put there for being nice, you get put there by acting like a friend. You can be nice to people and not have them be your friends, but when you treat someone as a friend then you're jut going to be friends most of the time.
Because unless someone does something bad to you, you have no reason to not be nice to anyone.
You should be nice to people because it's good to do, not because you wanna fuck.
He's telling guys (or whoever complains about the friendzone) why being nice doesn't mean you get a free pass at some ass. You're not entitled to anything for being nice, except that person being nice in return.
Garlog- I think he is saying that being nice and being friendly are different things. The difference between being friendly or friend like and holding the door open for an old lady would be a good example. The main reason behind the confusion is, one is doing it with a motive that only he/she knows about (i.e. to get in persons pants or heart or whatever), and the other is simply veiwed as common courtesy.
But even if it was niceness that got you put in the friend zone, thats not really an excuse either because you shouldn't be nice to someone and expect to get laid. Being a good person doesn't bear rewards, it should just go without saying.
If your not making your intentions known, can't really blame the other person.
EDIT:Didn't proof read =) My bad.
No, this post means that nobody 'trapped in the friendzone' should complain about not being loved back. If you want to be with someone who doesnt want to be with you in the same way, you either need to fight for her/him (really show them what you've got and be honest about your intentions and live with the consequences) OR back off and move on OR continue to complain about how nobody loves you because that is how you'll get 'em for sure...
(because I feel like some people here can't tell the difference: the very last part was Sarcasm)
You should be nice to people because it's good to do, not because you wanna fuck.
But even if it was niceness that got you put in the friend zone, thats not really an excuse either because you shouldn't be nice to someone and expect to get laid. Being a good person doesn't bear rewards, it should just go without saying.
If your not making your intentions known, can't really blame the other person.
EDIT:Didn't proof read =) My bad.
(because I feel like some people here can't tell the difference: the very last part was Sarcasm)