Although this is ridiculous I wouldn't take anything from Facebook as truth without a grain of salt. PC in society is going too far, I don't doubt that but Facebook isn't exactly a reliable source for unbiased information.
· 9 years ago
It was on the national news. I saw the story on CTV
It's not even the boys fault though it's the dumbasses that make the rules. Boys are gonna go fucky over girls regardless of what they're wearing but I've never heard another guy go "yo check out the collarbones on that chick"
I was nearly suspended because of a "dress code violation" that was not in the student handbook, while the girl next to me in class was all right wearing a crop top and short shorts and both of those clothing articles were not allowed
actually that's half the problem, the puritan insistence that thinking sexual thoughts is in itself bad, they don't think boys wont control themselves, they think they can stop boys from thinking dirty thoughts, even though such a thing is normal and healthy.
· 9 years ago
This makes it sound like boys are simple minded animals that can't do simple tasks when a girl is present. These dress codes are sexist to men and women simultaneously
Never in 50 years of existence have I ever heard a guy say, "Hey Stumpy, look at them clavicles. Man, I'd like hit that! I wonder if the pelvis matches the collarbones. You know whut I'm sayin'?"