Suggestions that immigrants who are in the United States illegally should simply get in line miss the point: There is no line available for them and the “regular channels” do not include them. Most undocumented immigrants do not have the necessary family relationships to apply for legal entry, or, if they do, they face years or decades of waiting for a visa. You guys have no idea how hard it is. It's not like they prefer coming here illegally.
To stick illegal immigrants in. Obviously they don't want to be wherever they came from, but they shouldn't be here. So we should have a place where all that happens is they have a safe place to apply for entry.
I don't think it'll be that hard to do. One government-provided meal per day per person, then they can do volunteer work or something for more food and whatnot while their paperwork goes through processing. Supply sewage, water, and maybe heat/gas depending on where it is. Otherwise they can volunteer for a camp stove and gas. And of course they can barter amongst themselves. Minimal law enforcement, just enough to keep destructive anarchy from occurring.
I get the feeling there would be issues with limited real estate, making that place more of an "immigration plus" setup where immigrants would have to pay a premium for the privileged of living in the holding space.
Not necessarily. It's only the illegals we catch, so it can't possibly be that many. And I'm sure we can fit a family in a room, it might not be too comfortable but it's enough room that disease won't be rampant. And if too many people come illegally we can tell them to suck it up and live in inhumane conditions or give them building materials and guidance and tell them to make their own shelters.
I imagine it a nearly completely self-sufficient society where the ultimate goal is to get out.
It would really need to be a goal to get out, because they would presumably be in the immigration system, so they would either be accepted and let out, or denied and deported.
Go thorough the legal channels of immigration...Says the person whose forefathers invated this land illegally and killed off its inhabitants.
· 9 years ago
Yep, my forefathers came from Norway and Germany through all the legal channels. My forefathers did NOT invade this country. We only got her about 100 years ago.
· 9 years ago
And as far as I know, the only people my father killed were Nazi's.
I totally understand that these people just want a better life, however, we've already got enough people who are already in the country who are trying to attain that. we don't need any more...also, get citizenship. it's not as hard as they make it sound.
We need to take over Mexico. Kill all the people that are making that country shit. That includes cartels shitty mexican people and robbers as well as kidnappers aka everyone in the DF. Then restructure their government and restructure the wall. I'am a Mexican and Mexico is suffering from all the bullshit their government and a lot of their people bring.
No way are you Mexican. You scream white Ameircan. Who else has that domineering "we're better than you, so therefore we're going to 'liberate' you" attitude?" I say this as a white American myself, and trust me, I know one when I see one.
Oh. Okay. Then he's Mexican. Alright everybody! Mexico's cool with us invading them!
Everybody: yayyyyyy
Yeah! This one guy over here said we should and he's Mexican. He also says to 'kill all the people that are making that country shit.' Weird. Why would he use the word 'that' in referring to his own country? Whatever, he's Mexican, so obviously Mexicans want us to take over Mexico. I guess just use you best judgement in finding the shitty people? See someone who looks at you the wrong way or who once committed a robbery and just blow 'em to bits or shoot 'em. Obviously we don't need a court of law or clearly defined morals for justice, right? Just kill whoever you think is bad like you're God, because basically we are, right? Or, wait? Does that sound extremely ethnocentric, egotistical, and white supremacist of us? Well, a 'Mexican' did tell us to, so let's conquer Mexico everybody and 'justifyably' kill some shitty people!
What are you on about? It doesn't matter what race he is, he could actually be Asian for all we know. The point is it's very prejudiced to assume his race based on what he said.
What a pointless rant.
I imagine it a nearly completely self-sufficient society where the ultimate goal is to get out.
Are actually not aware of how astoundingly prejudiced what you said is?
Everybody: yayyyyyy
Yeah! This one guy over here said we should and he's Mexican. He also says to 'kill all the people that are making that country shit.' Weird. Why would he use the word 'that' in referring to his own country? Whatever, he's Mexican, so obviously Mexicans want us to take over Mexico. I guess just use you best judgement in finding the shitty people? See someone who looks at you the wrong way or who once committed a robbery and just blow 'em to bits or shoot 'em. Obviously we don't need a court of law or clearly defined morals for justice, right? Just kill whoever you think is bad like you're God, because basically we are, right? Or, wait? Does that sound extremely ethnocentric, egotistical, and white supremacist of us? Well, a 'Mexican' did tell us to, so let's conquer Mexico everybody and 'justifyably' kill some shitty people!
What a pointless rant.