Your sex is what you are biologically, Y chromosome male, X chromosome female. Your gender is what you identify as, most people identify as their sex, some people are transgender and identify as the opposite. There is no "I've got a penis but I am a woman.", but there is "I've got a penis but I feel like a woman."
This is the kind of thing that legitimately makes me want to blow myself up. Not even suicide-bomber way, just sit my ass on top of a firework stash and drop a match. So many politically correct terms because oh my god people are either really sensitive or really coarse or maybe just have no idea what's correct so they say something that's incorrect and shit flames in their face. XY=male, XX=female, and from there you explain further what you are. I don't want to know you're transgender or transsexual or transdress or transguilty or transhuman or transtree or transwater. Just straight up tell me you were born a guy but you feel like a girl. There we go. Much simpler.
But if you FEEL like you should be something else by all means feel that way. It's fine. Just don't make up all these fancy-ass words for what you feel, say it in the common language and I'm 90% sure 90% of those pissed off at transgender and transguilty and transsexual and transearth and transavatar and transmovie and all these trans people will feel much better because there's no idiotic wordsmithing.
Lenny, you are right. With the Y chromoshome you are male but that's just your sex. Some people are born with boh genitals. Some people are born with a penis and a uterus, and other with a vagina and inner gonads ( that's what makes the sperm right ?) Biology is a weird thing, and I forgot what it said but there was something talking about the scientific reason behind bring trans.
Yeah, thank you I forgot the word testicals for a minute XD
And yeah, I think that's what I read when it explained being trans scientifically
· 9 years ago
A list of suffixes to attach to trans, according to tylerchu:
All very funny, but you forgot one....
(doo doo doo doo)
Tbh, I get it but people shouldn't be pushing for things like gender neutral bathrooms and making it a crime to misgender and throwing a hissy fit when people assume you're the gender you look like when literally 99% of the world is cis.
People should be pushing for these things because some people get ostracized in both bathrooms or feel extremely uncomfortable in either of them. So many trans people get bad UTI's because they'd rather hold it than go to the bathroom. Having an option that anyone can use makes these people (myself included) so much more comfortable and it's often safer. Also how does having a gender neutral washroom affect you? No one is forcing you to use one. So having more literally does not change how you go to the bathroom. Also I think it is acceptable to "throw a hissyfit" (this usually involves politely asking you to call me something else, not bitching or having a tantrum as you implied) when someone misgenders you. You'd be pretty annoyed if I called you the wrong name or gender repeatedly even after you've told me many times. I understand you're point more if it's a one off thing but if it's a repeated thing the I'm going to say something and push it.
There's a difference between what you're doing and what I'm saying. Some peiple like to throw hissyfits when random strangers they've never met before misgender them , and ive seen potitions asking to make it illegal and for offenders to serve jail time for it.
And yes a gender neutral bathroom would be good for some people, but there's also a lot of room for bad things to happen. Transphobes could go into the bathroom, an abuser could follow the person they're abusing to make sure they don't try to get away. Some people would take pics over stalls ( cause, like, creep shots are legal in Texas so I assume those would be too )
We can't have people outside of the bathrooms guarding who goes in and you can't really prove you're NB or trans ( unless it's obvious you're transitioning )
Jesus christ if I were female (hell, I'd do it even as a guy) and someone did that to me I'm staking them to the nearest lawn with crucifixion nails through their gonads.
Same tyler. Underyourbed with gender neutral bathrooms I'm talking about single stall bathrooms that don't have a gender designations not a bathroom with stalls and urinals that anyone can use. A lot less chance for creeps there. Single stall bathrooms help a lot cause anyone can use them.
GENDER and SEX are two different things. Yes, you may be physically female but identify as male, but don't give strangers shit because you look like the sex you are.
My sex is female, but I identify as male. If a stranger calls me a girl, I don't care, because I do look like one, as I am physically female. I'm never gonna see them again, it shouldn't matter what they think.
Legitimate question. I am a female but I have no idea what it feels like to be female. Other than horrible cramping and pain of childbirth, I have never felt "female" a day in my life. I don't wear frilly clothes or lots of make up. I wear dresses when it's appropriate or my pants are in the laundry. That's what I don't get about being trans. I don't feel male either, except when I was a kid I wanted desperately to be a boy. Explain please.
My professional opinion says you're a straight cis female, simply because you don't care what you are so might as well assign you to whatever you currently are.
I'd say do research.. find the account's of transmen and non-binary people see if you identify with any of it... If not you probably aren't on the transgender spectrum, If you do continue doing research on where you fall, how others from that same part of the spectrum go about transition (or whatever) and see if that's something you want to do........
That is what I am confused about, what point is there to putting a wig on and saying you're a girl if you have a penis and still have sex with women? Just act however you want, but dont try to use the womens locker room and have your ID say you are female.
That's not what we're complaining about. We're complaining about the idiocy of the hypersensitive culture we have, possibly due to increasing awareness as to the increasing variations in sexual identification. You look like a woman so people are gonna assume you're a woman. What's the problem in that? And the argument presented by the "woman" on the left isn't even a valid one; feminism is about gender equality, not having the "right" to have everyone know what you identify as.
I agree with all of your points, but my problem is that some people are unwilling to even accept that not everyone identifies as the gender they were assigned.
Because it's fucking stupid. You either identify as male or female or asexual. Left, right, or somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. BUT WAIT IT'S NOT A ONE DIMENSIONAL SPECTRUM!
After stating male, female, or asexual, explain clearly and concisely what else there is, if there's anything else to explain. I don't want fancy-ass names. I want simple information.
Ooh, you were born with a fully functional body with an XY sex chromosome but you are sexually attracted to penises and identify as someone who would normally have an XX sex chromosome but somewhere along the line you're gonna get a sex change.'re a homosexual transgender transsexual? Fucking bullshit. Tell me: born male, feel female, attracted to male, sex change in two years, wish me luck.
its so much easier to explain than use a fancy word. I don't care if it's with regards to or about the difference in gender and sexual identity. Just say in simple English and we're all good.
Perhaps I should clarify myself because re reading this makes me believe I sound like I'm lumping gender and sex together. Which is not. You're right.
What I'm saying is tell me in more words if necessary, but in simpler terms.
· 9 years ago
There is no use identifying yourself as something you are not, if you have a penis, stop trying to use the women's locker room and have your ID changed and act like a gender role, I mean act however you want but stop trying to say you are something you are not, you might as well be caucasian and say you are asian and try to have that on your ID.
ID's don't have race on them.... also how is it harming you if someone use acts like the other gender is using the bathroom the believe they should be using?
there was a reason there were "coloured" and "white" bathrooms....... The validity of such reasons change. Also I said it earlier and I'll say it again if there are gender neutral bathrooms you don't have to use them if you don't want to so don't worry about them
is it not true of the stereotype that women tend to take longer? Having all unisex bathrooms would be incredibly unfair to males because we would be zip zoop in out.
· 9 years ago
I dont want some man who thinks he is a woman using the womens locker room, they have a unisex one use that.
Tyler women do take longer in the bathroom, I think the actual peeing takes the same amount of time but what causes them usually to take more time is often they fix their make up and stuff like that.
· 9 years ago
Deal with the fact that every cell of your body says you are a either male or female.
Edited 9 years ago
· 9 years ago
So all the downvotes but no argument against me? No reason I am wrong?
Well, the cells of your body can be different there are people born with reproductive organs that don't match their genitals and sometimes the brain chemistry doesn't match either. So not every cell says you're one or the other.
· 9 years ago
That is a very rare mutation, but dont act different than you would if you didnt have a penis and a uterus and fall into a gender role, its just supporting gender roles.
But complaining about not being called a politically correct term is rather stupid.
· 9 years ago
If you are going to wait till he says "x" and then call him "o" that is not comparable to complaining about identifying as a woman while you have a penis.
For a moment I thought you were talking about people who had allergic reactions to horror films and I was thinking that those are the people we should let die off. Same with those people who are allergic to radio waves. You're literally allergic to light.
Fair point but I was most after why we need people smart enough to know better with common sense having kids and not the ignorant breeding like rabbits.
But if you FEEL like you should be something else by all means feel that way. It's fine. Just don't make up all these fancy-ass words for what you feel, say it in the common language and I'm 90% sure 90% of those pissed off at transgender and transguilty and transsexual and transearth and transavatar and transmovie and all these trans people will feel much better because there's no idiotic wordsmithing.
Isn't being trams meaning you have the brain chemistry of someone in the opposite gender?
And yeah, I think that's what I read when it explained being trans scientifically
All very funny, but you forgot one....
(doo doo doo doo)
And yes a gender neutral bathroom would be good for some people, but there's also a lot of room for bad things to happen. Transphobes could go into the bathroom, an abuser could follow the person they're abusing to make sure they don't try to get away. Some people would take pics over stalls ( cause, like, creep shots are legal in Texas so I assume those would be too )
We can't have people outside of the bathrooms guarding who goes in and you can't really prove you're NB or trans ( unless it's obvious you're transitioning )
My sex is female, but I identify as male. If a stranger calls me a girl, I don't care, because I do look like one, as I am physically female. I'm never gonna see them again, it shouldn't matter what they think.
After stating male, female, or asexual, explain clearly and concisely what else there is, if there's anything else to explain. I don't want fancy-ass names. I want simple information.
Ooh, you were born with a fully functional body with an XY sex chromosome but you are sexually attracted to penises and identify as someone who would normally have an XX sex chromosome but somewhere along the line you're gonna get a sex change.'re a homosexual transgender transsexual? Fucking bullshit. Tell me: born male, feel female, attracted to male, sex change in two years, wish me luck.
What I'm saying is tell me in more words if necessary, but in simpler terms.
But like it's still a dick thing to let someone have an alelrgic reaction or a child watch a horror film