The problem is, is that it's hard to start adoptions and it's really expensive, whereas if you already have your homestudy done and are prepared to adopt a kid you will be put at the top of the list. My family was getting ready to adopt our first child from Ukraine and it was going to take about a year for all the paperwork and homestudies to be completed. Not to mention the $25,000 dollars. Another family was already going to the same orphanage to adopt another child and the agency declined our request and accepted the other families request for a second child. It only costs $5,000 more to adopt a second child rather than $25,000 for one. Another thing, it is REALLY hard to acclimate to an adopted child. Everyone sees the posters and pictures of happy families smiling, but it causes serious emotional stress and hurt. Most of the children who grew up in orphanages or foster care have suffered from abuse and have serious issues.
Agencies have to be very careful about choosing a family for a child. i have known people that adopted children with emotional damage and they couldn't handle so they sent them back on an airplane. That destroys these children. So yes, most of the time families with more adopted children are going to be put at the top of the list because generally they're more reliable and they can fully comprehend the risk they are taking with accepting these children into their home.
Looks like some sort of smoke bomb, judging by the amount of smoke it's putting out.
Also, who the hell still uses a corded phone? I haven't seen a corded phone in 20 years.
I doubt the second family would be approved. There are so many conditions that need to be met. My cousin adopted and it took them like a year to be approved
The picture is meant to show the people who want children, want to raise them and love them, but cannot have them. Compared to people that can have them and just abuse them.
Other guest, in the bottom right hand corner of the second picture, there's a letter that says "Adoption Request: Approved". Personally I feel like this picture would have been much more accurate and powerful if that part wasn't there. Then the comparison would be, as you said, between people who want but can't have children and people who do have children but abuse them.
So here's the thing about 'gay' couples wanting to adopt. They WANT the children. They save, plan, go through heart breaks in hopes of having family. Who cares where the love comes from as long as they are raised as decent human beings. There is no accident when a gay couple want a child.
That's a moot point here, because the child in the bottom picture was also adopted.
Also why did you put "gay" in quotation marks? (apostrophes, actually, but still)
My sister and her husband want kids so bad and they're basically both infertile, so the chances of them being able to have a baby is very slim. It kills me honestly to know that a child that they'd love, and I they'd care for so much. Spoil and just... adore could be sent ti live somewhere like that. Abused, uncared for, unloved... it just kills me.
· 9 years ago
the second couple would have denied also because of the house being so dirty. it's actually hard to be approved. also hard to get approved for fostering.
Ignoring the fact that the second application would absolutely have been denied. It seems like being raised by the average heterosexual couple would be easier than being raised by the average homosexual couple simply because of the social stigma attached to the former. I'm not saying it's right, nor making a judgment, only making an observation.
I didn't even think they were gay until I read that comment. I thought the brunette was a woman who just couldn't have children. It's still powerful either way.
I thought the blonde dudes shoulder was a ponytail
And it's better to give orphans to loving gays than to just not allow it whatsoever because some can be bad
Its not about them being gay or the others being white. To me, Its about how adoption agencies should evaluate people on their capability, resources and potencial of being good parents and nothing else.
@famousone you are right. Everyone, this picture above is what we call "propaganda". It proves nothing, it sidesteps human intelligence, and provokes both a Pavlovian and Orwellian violent response to anyone that "they" tell you to dislike, ultimately because you believe TV is better than reality. @ruby_rose I hope you enjoy the iron fisted communist regime that formed your opinion just to be able to control the lives of others like some demon god of child sacrifice. Your two-minutes hate has been accomplished for the day. You have been given seven credits for your loyalty and may enjoy a bite of your government-approved Victory chocolate.
Everyone who dislikes the above comment has earned three credits for your loyalty and may have one shot glass of Victory malk, fortified with vitamin R. You all disgust me. You're certainly government trained to snark your way through college.
How Orwellian of you! Where is your rhetoric? How can making an account give you some power over my free speech? I almost never come here anyway. What you mean is that with an account you can find me and attempt to abuse me into silence. So what I said about your socialized instincts remains true. You want people fricking sterilized without their permission so they cannot have children, like the US government did to southern blacks for nearly a century, and you can shout it all you like without consequence. But I counter you with another view, and all I get in response is pseudo-gangster talk! Enjoy your government candy. You've earned it.
Whilst I favor the government fucking the hell off out of everything they possibly can, I suspect the above guest .... holy shit I'm arguing with an idiot again... dammit!
Well my child, bait is used in effort to cleverly trick, deceive, and capture a poor unwitting soul, whereas chum is only to rustle the waters for one's own entertainment.
Also, who the hell still uses a corded phone? I haven't seen a corded phone in 20 years.
Also why did you put "gay" in quotation marks? (apostrophes, actually, but still)
Your Head
And it's better to give orphans to loving gays than to just not allow it whatsoever because some can be bad
" ... Approved adoption "