If one person is sober and the other is drunk then one person has the ability to know the other person is drunk and cannot fully consent. If you have sex with a person in that state while being sober yourself, you are a rapist. You took advantage of their intoxicated state.
"If one person is sober and the other is drunk then one person has the ability to know the other person is drunk and cannot fully consent."
That's bullshit, you're fully responsible for all your actions when you're drunk, and that includes agreeing to things.
"You took advantage of their intoxicated state."
I agree, but that doesn't make it rape.
"If the law says it's rape then IT'S FUCKING RAPE."
If the law said that a monkey was a watermelon does that make it true? Think before you type.
The fact of the matter is: the law says that intoxicated people cannot legally concent, therefore, IT IS rape and you can be inprisoned for it. Regardless of whatever your own "moral compass" says, the law says it's illegal- though, I think most decent people would already know better than to take advantage of an intoxicated person. So I'd advise not taking sexual advantage of drunk people...unless you enjoy jail.
"the law says that intoxicated people cannot legally concent, therefore, IT IS rape"
If you can't understand that the government is fallible and doesn't dictate reality, then that's your problem. I just explained it with an obvious comparison, I can't make it any clearer.
"I think most decent people would already know better than to take advantage of an intoxicated person."
It's obviously bad form, but it isn't rape.
I know the government is fallible. I never said it wasn't. What I DID say was: it is legally considered rape, therefore, if you do not want to go to jail, then don't do it. And it's certainly more than just "bad form".
"What I DID say was: it is legally considered rape"
"We literally said that in the eyes if the law its rape"
You (more so alxx) insinuated that because the law says it's rape it's factually rape. If that's not what you meant then fine. I'm aware of what the law says.
"And it's certainly more than just "bad form"."
Nah, I don't think so.
Or you should learn to just back off if you see that someone has ingested too much alcohol and clearly can't make any rational decisions for themselves.
That implies I've done this before and/or plan to do this in the future. There's no need to bring libel into this.
What makes you feel that?
I rarely touch the upvote/downvote buttons.
So by your reckoning garlog if someone drugged someone else's drink and then raped them, it's the victim'a fault because they were drinking and this are responsible for every drink they drink, regardless of the consequences?
No, because they didn't knowingly consume the drug. Your responsible for you inebriated state assuming you willingly became inebriated. If you took the drug on purpose you would be responsible.
They purposely put themselves in a state that removes inhibitions. The choices they make in that state are still their own. They're not being violated, and it's questionable as to whether they're being taken advantage of as people do go out and get drunk with the intention of having having sex. Even if they didn't go out with that intention, but changed their mind after a few drinks, that's still their own choice that they're responsible for.
This has been posted with the same title on so many websites (including this one) and thinks like whisper and yik yak so that the poster gets compliments on how good of a person they are. Bullshit.
You're welcome to your opinion.
Are you referring to the greetext arrows, or are you just nitpicking, like how I used "your" instead of "you're" a few a few comments up?
I'll just copypaste what I said a few comments up.
>get drunk
>get in car
>it's your fault
>get drunk
>bang some dude
>it's his fault
>people think this makes sense
>get in car
>it's your fault
>get drunk
>bang some dude
>it's his fault
>people think this makes sense
That's bullshit, you're fully responsible for all your actions when you're drunk, and that includes agreeing to things.
"You took advantage of their intoxicated state."
I agree, but that doesn't make it rape.
"If the law says it's rape then IT'S FUCKING RAPE."
If the law said that a monkey was a watermelon does that make it true? Think before you type.
If you can't understand that the government is fallible and doesn't dictate reality, then that's your problem. I just explained it with an obvious comparison, I can't make it any clearer.
"I think most decent people would already know better than to take advantage of an intoxicated person."
It's obviously bad form, but it isn't rape.
"What I DID say was: it is legally considered rape"
"We literally said that in the eyes if the law its rape"
You (more so alxx) insinuated that because the law says it's rape it's factually rape. If that's not what you meant then fine. I'm aware of what the law says.
"And it's certainly more than just "bad form"."
Nah, I don't think so.
That implies I've done this before and/or plan to do this in the future. There's no need to bring libel into this.
What makes you feel that?
I rarely touch the upvote/downvote buttons.
Who gives a fuck whether it's from 9g, yikyak etc. or not?
Me: I have lost all hope for this generation....
You're welcome to your opinion.
Are you referring to the greetext arrows, or are you just nitpicking, like how I used "your" instead of "you're" a few a few comments up?
>get drunk
>get in car
>it's your fault
>get drunk
>bang some dude
>it's his fault
>people think this makes sense